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Questions About Brake Levers


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I have 2 questions about brake levers blades.

1st: I have a 4 fingers magura lever blade and a Echo blade, What is better? and How can I fit a Echo in the magura lever body? I Think that I need a extra washers to fit perfect but I don't know wich is the correct thickness of washers.

2nd: How can i disassemble a magura louise lever blade? I have been reading all the documents in Magura web and don't explain well. My magura lever blade lose tension during the ride and i don't know what can i do. I noticed that the screw is loosened during ride....

I have been used the "search" tool and I didn't find nothing, if it is a repost let me know...

Thank you.


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hey !

im gonna reply in catalan because we are and i'm gonna explain myself better.

si vols k el freno tingui més tensió, has de treure la tapa de plàstic que hi ha al frontal de la maneta. Allà dins hi ha un cargol de cabota allen. Si el colles, la maneta té menys recorregut. Si la destenses, la maneta té més recorregut, però vigila no et passis, pk llavors kuan vagis am bici s'anirà descollant cada vegada més

spero k et serveixi d'ajut ;)

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hey !

im gonna reply in catalan because we are and i'm gonna explain myself better.

si vols k el freno tingui més tensió, has de treure la tapa de plàstic que hi ha al frontal de la maneta. Allà dins hi ha un cargol de cabota allen. Si el colles, la maneta té menys recorregut. Si la destenses, la maneta té més recorregut, però vigila no et passis, pk llavors kuan vagis am bici s'anirà descollant cada vegada més

spero k et serveixi d'ajut ;)

Thank you nyoli!

But the problem it's just that this screw, like you said, loose tension during the riding.

Now in Catalan: El cargol ja l'he tocat, peró estigui on estigui es destensa en cada ridding queda molt fluix i es mou del seu lloc, encara que no m'hagi passat...

De les arandeles per la Echo saps algo?

Thank you / Gracies.

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The 4 finger blade is better but the echo should fit without washers as mine did.

Ok, therefore, if 4 fingers is better, i left it in the bike. ;)

I though that echo was better because echo is CNC and 4 fingers no..

Although echo don't fits well without washers for sure, I fit the same blade in my old monty magura and blade scratch in to magura lever body pump a lot, echo blade is thinner than 4 finguers blade.

thank you!!

Edited by 315r
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No 4 fingers are not CNC.

Check here magura blades, exist CNC magura blades but is not mine.


CNC is clearly different.

Excuse me but: What does it means IMO??

Thank you Dale Hill! ;)

Cnc = computer numerically controlled.

Basically it's usually drilled from a piece of billet rather than forged.

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Cnc = computer numerically controlled.

Basically it's usually drilled from a piece of billet rather than forged.

Exactly, this is the explanation.

4 fingers are forged. and CNC drilled from a piece.


Some solutions for alive screw in magura louise? :P

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