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Over Paid Football Players Could Change Our Country.


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Basically the money that footballers get sickens me in some cases, the fact they can earn more in one match then most people would earn in a year yet every one idolises them for it. Think about it who really ever needs that much money? Im not saying i wouldnt like it but come back down to earth how can you need that much. If every football player in the Premier Leauge donated just 1% of their wages each to the NHS can you imagine how much of an incredible change that could make? Maybe the waiting lists for oporations could become a hell of a lot shorter as they would be able to get more surgens and oporating rooms etc, NHS dentists wouldnt be like gold dust any more. My nearest NHS dentist has over a 6 month waiting to list to be able to join.

Rant over.

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It's bause they are comodoties who generate more revenue for whichever respective company/team. However, they are heavily rewarded which goes some way to giving an insight to just how much money each club and sponsor must make out of each of them.

Your point is valid. I'm sure some of them help out in some way, but theres no denying there potential for good when combined is mind blowing. With many earning well over £100,000 a week can you imagine how much money is being generated over all of the leagues. Add to that the level of money they must make in interest alone and repectively how much money the banks must make investing there money.....its quite staggering.

I think you are right, they must literally earn more money than it is possible to spend, making additional earning pointless when they could go towards something that could be of such benefit. It doesn;t even need to be as honourable as helping the NHS but it could be anything from town regenration of the players home town, which would make such a differance to the conuntry as a whole.

But hey why do that when you can buy a bunch of super cars have no idea how to drive them and crash them into anything. i guess that alone costs a lot, in just replacing your ferrari every week.

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Basically the money that footballers get sickens me in some cases, the fact they can earn more in one match then most people would earn in a year yet every one idolises them for it. Think about it who really ever needs that much money? Im not saying i wouldnt like it but come back down to earth how can you need that much. If every football player in the Premier Leauge donated just 1% of their wages each to the NHS can you imagine how much of an incredible change that could make? Maybe the waiting lists for oporations could become a hell of a lot shorter as they would be able to get more surgens and oporating rooms etc, NHS dentists wouldnt be like gold dust any more. My nearest NHS dentist has over a 6 month waiting to list to be able to join.

Rant over.

There was a programme on telly a while ago about this sort of thing. It was about trying to get all premiership footballers to give up one days wages for NHS nurses. Seems fair as I'm sure none of them would miss the money, but would they do it, not a chance. C**TS

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Would anyone here give 2 quid out their wages a day to feed a homeless person for a month?

It's the same difference.

If i was earning £100,000 a week, i would more than happily give them £5000 a week... i mean, come on, £100,000 is ALOT of money compaired to someone earing say, £300 a week...

EDIT: also, if you think about it, once you earn your £1200 in a month, then pay bills (gas, water, electric, council tax, mortgage, car tax, fuel to get to work, food to eat etc etc... You will have what, £40 a week left? they will still EASILY have £50,000+ which is still half their wages...

Edited by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com
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But don't high earners pay shit load of taxes anyway?

God yeah, more than we could ever imagine earning in a week... but thats why i said £50,000+ instead of £90,000+

The whole point of having a higher income, is to have a better outcome... if you get what i mean? If you earn £100,000 a week, then yes, you will pay alot in tax, But you still end with a higher amount of money to spend on what ever you please.

Once i get paid, and pay bills etc, i have £50 a week to spend on what ever i want, i.e cinemas, a few pints... footballers have like £50,000 to spend a week, which goes on ferrari´s 10,000 pints etc... which to be honest, 1% of it, should be compulsory to give to the NHS...

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But they do give to the NHS, through taxes.

I don't know it just seems a little closed minded to say, footballers earn loads so they should give their money away. The majority of high earns have charities they give lots too, some even have their own. You can't really judge people until you know what they're doing with their money.

Bill Gates for example earns way more than any footballer and he is one of the biggest givers to charity.

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But they do give to the NHS, through taxes.

I don't know it just seems a little closed minded to say, footballers earn loads so they should give their money away. The majority of high earns have charities they give lots too, some even have their own. You can't really judge people until you know what they're doing with their money.

Bill Gates for example earns way more than any footballer and he is one of the biggest givers to charity.

BUT, do out taxes actually go to the NHS? the last thing i heard was gordon brown was going to stop giving so much to the NHS/Schools/police ect, to pay off our mass debt, which he is sinking us even more into...

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But they do give to the NHS, through taxes.

I don't know it just seems a little closed minded to say, footballers earn loads so they should give their money away. The majority of high earns have charities they give lots too, some even have their own. You can't really judge people until you know what they're doing with their money.

Bill Gates for example earns way more than any footballer and he is one of the biggest givers to charity.

I was about to say something like this, but you've just wrapped it up. We don't know what they do with their money. Quite frankly, why the hell should they have to give money to people. They've earnt it. It's a hell of a lot, but that's how much they're getting, they aren't going to turn around and say "hold, that's a bit much that, I don't need that".

I'm sure most of them donate a lot to charities anyway and high earners usually have a hell of a lot more outgoings, so a huge house, staff, cars, bills. It's just the same except their luxeries are a lot more than ours.

It does annoy me when people say footballers get paid too much, they just don't, you never can do, it's money. They might personally think it's too much, but it's not for us to say. The football clubs can obviously afford it and that's just how it is. If they didn't get as much as they do, then where do you think the money is going to go? Some brilliant charity? More than likely straight into the hands of the owners, but o no wait, let me guess, they'll probably be earning too much then won't they and us Brits will end up crying about it.

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About 1 million, so 100 million would buy a fair few. I know we can't say what people should do with their money, and who knows what they do but theres no denying the possibilities are incredible.

Sure they'll pay a fair bit in tax, but if you are earning £100,000 a week thats £5200000 a year per player (say on average) before interest. I imagine the interest they generate will outweight what they pay in tax so it will probably have no effect.

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About 1 million, so 100 million would buy a fair few. I know we can't say what people should do with their money, and who knows what they do but theres no denying the possibilities are incredible.

Sure they'll pay a fair bit in tax, but if you are earning £100,000 a week thats £5200000 a year per player (say on average) before interest. I imagine the interest they generate will outweight what they pay in tax so it will probably have no effect.

Where's this shit coming from!?

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Would anyone here give 2 quid out their wages a day to feed a homeless person for a month?

It's the same difference.

I'm sorry but likening a nurse to a homeless person is totally bullshit. 2 quid a day for an indefinite amount of time for somebody who can't afford luxuries in life compared to one days wage for a multi millionaire is nowhere near the same difference.

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Sure they could give some of their money up. I could give £2 up...but the question is, why the hell should I?

In a rather selfish attitude, my money is my money, same with a football players. They don't have any sort of obligation to give any of it up - it'd be a nice gesture. It's easy for us to go off at them about it, but I certainly wouldn't give any money to charity on a weekly basis.

Charity is optional!

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About 1 million, so 100 million would buy a fair few. I know we can't say what people should do with their money, and who knows what they do but theres no denying the possibilities are incredible.

Sure they'll pay a fair bit in tax, but if you are earning £100,000 a week thats £5200000 a year per player (say on average) before interest. I imagine the interest they generate will outweight what they pay in tax so it will probably have no effect.

The higher wage band is 40%, thats £2,080,000 of the £5,200,000 goes straight to taxes.

If every starting lineup player earnt that much a year, thats £457,600,000 a year in taxes just by the starting lineup in the premier league.

Obviously not all goes to the NHS, but i'm sure a fair bit does.

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I'm sorry but likening a nurse to a homeless person is totally bullshit. 2 quid a day for an indefinite amount of time for somebody who can't afford luxuries in life compared to one days wage for a multi millionaire is nowhere near the same difference.

I'm not liking a homeless person to a nurse. I'm trying to compare the football hypothetical situation to something that us regular earners would understand.

If a footballer earned 52 millions a year, and a regular person earned 10.4k a year. The footballer was make to give 1% to nurses and the other guy was made to give 1% to the homeless person.

That would mean the footballer would be giving away 10 grand a week (seemingly nothing, but would make a huge difference to all the nurses in one hospital).

The guy earning 10.4k a year would be giving away 2 quid a week (again, seemingly nothing) and would be able to buy a homeless guy some cheap bread, teabags and a can of beans a week.

Now the 2 quid going to the homeless guy is having much more of a benefit than the benefit the nurses would get.

But do we do it? No.

Plus why would you want to give money to nurses, people who paying jobs when they're people who are out of work.

Edited by JT!
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Sure they could give some of their money up. I could give £2 up...but the question is, why the hell should I?

In a rather selfish attitude, my money is my money, same with a football players. They don't have any sort of obligation to give any of it up - it'd be a nice gesture. It's easy for us to go off at them about it, but I certainly wouldn't give any money to charity on a weekly basis.

Charity is optional!

Basically what i would have said but worded better.

If people don't want the thats their choice.

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