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Magura Louise Bleeding Problems, Help Me!


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I need help bleeding my magura louise, me and my dad have a bit of experience of bleeding hydraulic brakes, both bicycle and motorbike.

My magura started to feel really sloppy and a bit crap so i thought i'd give it a re-bleed but i put as much fluid in the brake as will fit, pump it, get all the air out of it but there seems absolutely no pressure in it at all, it barely moves the pistons at all. Bare in mind i'm NOT using the proper bleed kit thing, any suggestions?



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Mine did just the same, I put new pads in it bleed it a countless amount of times. And still it was spongy as out. So I gave up on it and went back to double Maggie.

Although you could try taking it to you're LBS and see if they can do anything at all with it.

I've bled it (well the way i've always bled a brake) like 5 or 6 times now with no improvement, also i'm not using royal blood neither as i don't want to buy any just to waste it and find out theres actually something wrong with my brake and it won't bleed.

It is an 08 or 09 brake so it's not like i've had it very long, i've had it like 5 months from brand new.

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Bleed from the lowest point to the highest - you'll probably have to put the caliper on its side to get all the air bubbles out of the caliper. Try pumping the brake, releasing the lever suddenly to help bring bubbles to the top of the system before starting the bleed.

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