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Have You Had Any Funny Accidents?


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Seeming that i am on half term im gunna have alot of spare time and i fault it would be funny to hear or you funny/painful accidents when you have had whilist riding

E.g- i was on about a 4FT wall and i was doing a endo side drop..only a small wall but it was very wet and muddy..i did the endo and brang the bike out...i went to pull away from the wall and my front wheel got stuck..my feet were stuck to the pedals and i just landed flat on my ass...i havnt been able to ride for about 6 days now and have a huge bruise on my leg..

If you have any funny accidents put them on here !


Edited by HarriLye
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When I had only been biking about 5 months I tried just a simple drop off thye top of a set of steps only 3-4 ft high and landed but my feet slipped off and I cut my dick on the stem, it was like when you peal the top of a blister off lmao :lol: :lol:

It hurt !!

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About a year or two ago i was doing this gap it wasnt big but it was quite a drop. The take of was wet and slipery so when i took off my wheel span and i did like a front flip kind of thing and ended going straight to my knees from about 5ft up and finished in a tangled mess in the middle of the road.

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About a year or two ago i was doing this gap it wasnt big but it was quite a drop. The take of was wet and slipery so when i took off my wheel span and i did like a front flip kind of thing and ended going straight to my knees from about 5ft up and finished in a tangled mess in the middle of the road.

haha that was soo funny , sucks we didnt get it on film .Most of mine are chain snap gaps but had one pretty funny one a year or two ago about a 4ft wall gap over a bench and break slipped and i went flying haha

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one of my best ones , i was doing a bar height sidehop, i made it on top but realised i wasnt on far enough so i tryed to hope off sideways and both wheels diddnt move so i have gone straight to the floor and landed on my elbo , it hurt like f**k B)

Edited by pompytrials
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was waiting on a wide base rear sprocket from tarty so whilst wainting took a 17tooth out of a sram cassette.

After couple days of riding, went to just drop off a wall on my way into town, rear sproket snapped (same effect as chain snap) and went head first towards the ground. Just managed to get my hands in the way of my face and got away with bruised thumb muscles (which is a right pain in the ares!)

About 3 years ago, was riding Combe Sydenham DH track in the wet and over-shot the road gap that leads into a meadow section.

landed and didnt have time to react for the berm that followed, went straight over it and ditched the bike mid-flight.

Hit the wet grass on my back and proceded to skim down the hill about 100meters, like i was on a water slide. Was the most fun bail i have EVER had.

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Lifted up the front wheel, held the back brake on and tried jumping onto the pedals (I wasn't on it before hand) did like one back wheel hop before leaning too far back, the brake went, I just went plop on my back :P simple, but thebest I've got so far :P

When I was tiny I saw my big sister's mate drive up a kerb on his bike, I tried to copy him, but didn't know to lift up the front wheel, so I launched myself into a wall face first, fat lip and everything :P

Or the time just cycling, I looked to my right, drifted left off the road and face first into a tree at about 15mph, I just sorta bounced off the bike into the road, and cut all of one cheek. The bike ended up bent with a torn tyre (only the wheel was bent) and I was standing in the road confused like what just happened? :P

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Had a cracker a week or so ago theres a grass bank with a 2 foot wall at the top on the other side is a drop to flat of about 5 feet as i rode up with the intention of hoppin over, but.... I clipped my bashring and the front dropped i managed to do a sort of heelclicker over the bars landed on my feet stumbled forward and as i did the bike came down it hit me square on the back of the head and made me headbutt my knee! I didnt hurt but i was paralysed for about 5 min just rolling around laughing on the floor!

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Seeming that i am on half term im gunna have alot of spare time and i fault it would be funny to hear or you funny/painful accidents when you have had whilist riding

E.g- i was on about a 4FT wall and i was doing a endo side drop..only a small wall but it was very wet and muddy..i did the endo and brang the bike out...i went to pull away from the wall and my front wheel got stuck..my feet were stuck to the pedals and i just landed flat on my ass...i havnt been able to ride for about 6 days now and have a huge bruise on my leg..

If you have any funny accidents put them on here !


Doing a front wheel gap, the bike slip, and the rear wheel kick my butt :(:lol:

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