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Look At What We Made Today :)


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I can though :lol:

ill brake you phoneee!!!!! HEH HEH HEH

why dent you show us some pictures of you riding on it,

or is it just a bike stand Lmao.

once on top will be funny when it collpses.

Looks good though !

na done a few rear wheel hops on it, it is pritty strong it takes both our bikes and all 3 of us so yeah...

and guess what!?!?! we got it from tarty bikes :shifty:

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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Show us more pictures of the inside!

k ive just takensome more pics not very good though cuz their onmy camra phone:





why dent you show us some pictures of you riding on it,

or is it just a bike stand Lmao.

once on top will be funny when it collpses.

Looks good though !

Tomorrow ill get some pics of us riding of it. and you i will be funny as when it falls apart but ive got spares to fix it :lol:

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k ive just takensome more pics not very good though cuz their onmy camra phone:

Tomorrow ill get some pics of us riding of it. and you i will be funny as when it falls apart but ive got spares to fix it :lol:

NO IT WONT!!! cause ill probally be the one riding it :S

i should sayyy... its made out of alex's mum and dads old wardrobe

EDIT: why do i get the feeling you dad will brake it or shout at you cause its in the way or making stuff look untidy

EDIT2: or your dog might try to eat it and choke on it

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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I was just giving me honest opinion. :P

i was kidden lol i know

NO IT WONT!!! cause ill probally be the one riding it :S

i should sayyy... its made out of alex's mum and dads old wardrobe

EDIT: why do i get the feeling you dad will brake it or shout at you cause its in the way or making stuff look untidy

EDIT2: or your dog might try to eat it and choke on it

MY dog will eat it this is my dog



They are my 2 dogs honestly :lol: they could'nt harm a fly.

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