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Your Worst Luck With Your Bike


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Thought this would be a bit of fun. All you have to do is write up the worst things that have happened to you on your bike within a realy small amount of time (e.g 2 weeks).

my terror story has just finished hopefully. Two weeks ago i managed to rip all the threading off my rear hub, A minor inncovineince but nothing to bad. I bought another hub and within 5 days the threading had gone on that one!, I went back to the shop and borrowed another hub from them, just for a few days as they told me i would easily be able to claim the hub on its warranrty. A few more days passed and i was just doing a pretty small gap (was actually showing off to some girls... dont judge me you all do it lol) and the chain decided to give up and snap so i managed to land straight on my arse and was all pretty embarrising. I replaced the chain and then the worst one came, I was out and after just over an hour of trying i finally managed to get up this fairly high wall so decided to finish it off with a 180 off the edge back to the pavemnt but then as i landed the bottom bracket decided to snap. i have just litterally gotten in from hospital with my ankle in cast for 6 weeks... not good!

Anybody got a story like mine or even worst please share it as im going to have a lot of spare time on my hands lol.


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That has gotta hurt!

i didn't have any crashes it was all just on some logs in the woods near me. They have claimed in the last 2 weeks a disc my front and back hub, some handlebars and 2 chains! With the chains i wasn't even pedaling i was just doing some pivots when the first went then with the second i was doing a wheelie on the way home with my mate seeing who could go the longest when the chain snapped i went over the handlebars and smacked my knee onto the curb which hurt but luckily i just got a lovely blue and black leg. (Y)

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Not got any trials ones but, i came off my motocross bike at a mates place i was taken to hospital and after waiting 7 and a half hours to be seen!! I was told i had torn the major ligaments in my knee. It had swollen to enormous size and i needed it drained, so the doctor stuck a massive needle under my kneecap :sick: and drained it. I have to admit it now im shit scared of needles so i was not in a good state afterwards im led on the bed in hospital trousers round my ankles in just my boxxer shorts covered in blood and iodene white as sheet sweatin through sheer panic and delayed shock and not one but two fit student nurses came in to clean me up and strap up my knee! at that point i wanted to die through sheer embaressment!

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Worst thing in last 2 weeks i suppose is doing a drop gap from one sketchyrock to another and brake slipped and landed on coccyx and that hurt alot. Went all stiff tried it again landed it and then tyre slipped off rock and landed on it again!

Lol it hurt. Not as bad as tearin crucial ligaments though ! lol.

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yesterday i went down the neerby town to the skate park cause i was in the mood for bmx stuff, anywayyyy... i went to clear the box 1st time sliped of my pedals when i landed and all my weight landed on my balls crushed against the frame. so i had another try did exactly the same thing haha.


PS. cleared it 3rd time (Y)

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well here goe's i got a onza t bird £170 from a bike shop in portsmouth

i had done a boot fair the day before to buy the bike sold all my nan's stuff from her house.

what she left us when she died R.I.P nan

when i got the bike back home to guy's stoped me punced me to the floor and run off with it

and never got to ride it


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well here goe's i got a onza t bird £170 from a bike shop in portsmouth

i had done a boot fair the day before to buy the bike sold all my nan's stuff from her house.

what she left us when she died R.I.P nan

when i got the bike back home to guy's stoped me punced me to the floor and run off with it

and never got to ride it


Unlucky dude, Didn't you report the man or Chav who did it . ?

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Not as bad a these guys because I havent been riding as long as them. But I got my bike, the juicy 3's both packed up and leaked oil on the disks, so I got a replacement one under warranty which also broke straight away, so I put my p2 brakes on it, which leaked as well, did a gap and sliped off the back and smashed my butt in a curb. That was probly over 3 weeks though, does it still count?

P.S. I have BB5's now that are lovely.

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I was out and after just over an hour of trying i finally managed to get up this fairly high wall so decided to finish it off with a 180 off the edge back to the pavemnt but then as i landed the bottom bracket decided to snap. i have just litterally gotten in from hospital with my ankle in cast for 6 weeks... not good!

Unlucky mate, was an awesome 180 off though, what have you done to your ankle, you seemed ok after?


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Unlucky mate, was an awesome 180 off though, what have you done to your ankle, you seemed ok after?


yh it was fine until about the same sorta time the next day when i was walking to town with mrs never f**king happy (girlfriend) and it just went. It was so much pain i was sweating lol. They said where i hit it it started to swell and thet i should of kept off it for a few days but i didnt i was walking everywhere so something happened to it. Cant remeber what its called but its got a realy long name lol basically the tendons all twisted and ripped not comfy lol

i remebered another bad luck thing aswell when i jumped into you on that wal by them kids!

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lol rest. i havent done anything like that on a trials bike but on a bmx. i know its a bit over 2 weeks lol well last year i was riding my bmx under a tunel to go home (dark) and i was riding on the road because the subway always has glass in there and you looses speed. anyway a car drove up the back of my bike and i went flying. i cracked my knee cap and torn a ligament. i had sleepless nights for 3 weeks because i had to sleep on my sofa lol and now i cant bend my leg fully straight any more :( alsgood now though. oh ye ur comment with the colour put ur comment between the ][

Edited by Birmingham Trials Rider
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i was about to do a small drop in a comp (about 5-6 ft ) and my chain decided to snap when i was on my back wheel , i landed on the front end of my bike ,snappig my rim and rippin the spoke holes outof the hub , my forks snapped and i bent my bottom bracket , then i got all my new stuff for the bike and within a week and a half i was ridig again , then my chain snapped 6 times in a week :(


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About a week ago I was submerge bleeding my maguras, the front one bled fine so i put it on my bike. I went to do the rear and the piston kept sticking inside the lever body, so eventually after about an hour of trying to sort it, it worked. So i put it on the bike, tightened the 4-bolt mounts up... The bolt rounded, sending my clenched hand flying into the crossover, splitting it, water/oil/aids going everywhere, all over my rim, pads, walll! So i then saw that as an opportunity to put my whole, fully functioning, front maggie on the rear, and ride front brakeless for a while, it worked fine. I went riding in my garden to heighten my sense of achievement, when I snapped two spokes, sending my wheel EVERYWHERE, I put some new spokes in and up until today it's been fine. So, I rode my bike to work at 9 this morning, left at 12(driving lesson at 12.45 usually takes 30 mins to get home), I got ten mins into my journey and I had a puncture in the rear, so i walked back to work, took 15 mins, fixed puncture there, took 5 mins, set off home again, got a puncture in the front in the car park of my work, went in, new innertube(about 1.5 mins as i have no brake to sort out). I finally got home at around 1.15 to find a note from my driving instructor telling me that he waited for 15 mins and left, also telling me that I have to pay for the lesson i didn't have(LOL), so with more time on my hands I went riding, just to get another puncture in the rear, walked home. Now my bike's sitting in a heap in my garden!

Enough rambling, I HATE BIKES!

Edited by Ben John-Hynes
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It wasnt trials but it was on my Giant stp..

i was at these mud jumps and i hit the big set..it was a kicker and ass soon as i hit it my fork seal burst all all the fluid came out on to me...

i sprung me up and i went over the bars..Haha at me !

todays later and my wrist was still hurting...so clever me wen to the hospital...as soon as i get there, there was a major accident...this lead to me waiting 3 hours just to have be seen by the triage, then another 3 hours to be seen by the docter...as soon as i flipping see the docters just to take the uttter piss...straight away he said, "oh..u need an x-ray" what a flippping joke...

had my x-ray..Broke my arm...had a pink cast..LOL

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I am now terrified to go riding :P my first time out on my bike, within about three hours I fell off, and my wrist didn't start hurting until later that night, and 3 nights later as it wasn't getting better I went hosp, thinking it may be like a partially torn ligament. Only soft tissue damage they says, just rest it they says. Looong :P hopefully I'll be alright next time I ride :P

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A few months ago when I had my '07 Python I was out riding for the day, had a good day and then on my way home and I was just messing about on the back wheel and my rear crossover snapped and as I fell off the barb went straight into my leg and tore a hole in my thigh. Luckily it was outside my house but I still had to sit and wait for an hour for my mum to come home and take me to hospital with my leg pouring with blood. Then when I got to the hospital they told me that there wasn't enough skin and flesh to stitch it up, so they wrapped my leg in bandages and told me to wait for it to heal naturally. Then I got home to find that my barb was covered in my skin and flesh from my leg. :sick: Haha. Was out of riding for a month. And then I discovered braided crossovers:)

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