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Digital Dictaphone

16 years later

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I fail to believe that has any actual benefit though. I mean does anyone actually go home after a day of work, only to sit and listen through a few hour-long lectures again? No. You go to a lecture, listen, pick up whatever you can and then go home and drink cheap lager. I mean I know being a student is a good excuse to buy shite you don't need, but that's ridiculous.

Bloody students.

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There was one special needs bloke in our class who used one, used to just turn his widget on then pretty much go to sleep. You're there, you might as well listen..

Anyways I'd just buy her some condoms/something else she'll enjoy. But then I'm not exactly a model student.

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I fail to believe that has any actual benefit though. I mean does anyone actually sit and listen through an hour-long lecture again?

I've got a dictaphone for uni. Depending on a lecture material, I have listened to it again when making the 45 min walk to uni (which is the same time as the bulk of my lectures). However, I'm also storing each lecture in an organised fashion so I can come back to it at some point in the future if it helps to do so. I can see how it might not be for everyone but I think it useful for some of us.

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I have one from my dyslexic learning support and I dont use it just because i am lazy but the couple of times i have used mine it has been good.

Mine has a button the side you click if you hear something good in the lecture and it marks it in the recording then when you transfer it to your computer in the software the marks show up so you dont have to listen to a 2 hour lecture again you can skip to the mark and get the info form it you need.

Also if you are going to get one its worth spending out as the microphones wont pick up the talker unless they are really close so in the real world you also need to buy as better microphone for it.

This is the sort of thing I have might not be the exact model but its similar - http://www.pixmania.co.uk/uk/uk/2422718/ar...oice-recor.html

and I have a microphone like this for it - http://www.sony.co.uk/product/pam-music/ecm-ds70p

This will pick up the sound better from distance.

So all in all the equipment they gave me is around £200 so its really not worth getting a cheap one, the once like above at £30 is really just £30 wasted if she really wants one and thinks she will use it you have two options.

1. Get your perents to put towards it as well and maybe she can pay abit.

2. Take the dyslexic test and get one off the government :P

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It's learning support isn't it? Having some forms of dyslexia can affect peoples ability to pick things up like others would be able to just from listening/making notes. Recording the lecture then being able to re-listen i would imagine is an attempt to level the playing field somewhat between students with and without dyslexia.

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Its because i am incredibly bad at note taking, if i have to think about writing notes down i end up missing the next stuff thats said meaning stuff starts not making sense.

Thats the main reason for me there are others but thats the biggest reason.

Plus if i can get it i might as well

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2. Take the dyslexic test and get one off the government :P

Ha, I am dyslexic. How did you go about getting one off the government?

Its because i am incredibly bad at note taking, if i have to think about writing notes down i end up missing the next stuff thats said meaning stuff starts not making sense.

Thats the main reason for me there are others but thats the biggest reason.

Plus if i can get it i might as well

Yeah I'm like that too.

And thank you all for your input. It's been helpful

Edited by 16 years later
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If you are at uni or college you just have to speak to the learning support there and get them to put you forward for the test if the test says your dyslexic and your at or going to be going to uni then your local county council will give funding towards you.

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If you are at uni or college you just have to speak to the learning support there and get them to put you forward for the test if the test says your dyslexic and your at or going to be going to uni then your local county council will give funding towards you.

Yeah i AM dyslexic and I just started 6th form. I asked learning support for a laptop and they gave me a form to give to my local county council. Maybe i can add it on to that, will have to have a closer look later on.

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Ahh ok I said about being tested because a lot of people say they are but have never been through the official tests.

Yeh you might be able too get it, but councils don't generally like giving too much out to further education they really only give stuff to higher education.

I didn't get anything at college the funding just isn't there because people at colleges aren't generally as serious as at uni, my mate got a laptop at school and 16th form but only because his dyslexia was soo bad you couldn't read his writting.

Good luck though

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