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Trials Training


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is there any places for training or is the only way to get better to just keep learning by yourself or finding friends to ride with that also ride trials?

i am just wondering as it could be handy and a fast way to learn, but i dont know so i will wait to hear what all of you think

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Riding with friends and buddies seems to be the best way, as you get to discuss technqiues and stuff in details and they can show u how to do something LIVE.

It beats all videos and reading how to do stuff off the net definitely.

However in my area i have no car and a trial bike can travel far, so most of the time i practice a lone. Even just outside the corridor of my apartment -.-

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you can learn the basics of most techniques on a simple curb outside your house. You dont need to go really far if you are only a beginner. But you might be supprised how many people in the area you live in actually do trials.

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i learnt most of what i know on the kurb outside my front door, i too have no car and trials is only just really starting up arround here, a few kids are now geting bikes after having a go on mine and stuff....hopefully it will spread more and there will be plenty of people to ride with!

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I know a few people who used to ride trials, everyone just laughs at the no seat and the ridiculous gearing. I'd love someone to ride with, I think it makes it more fun =/ so if anyone is near me, please feel free to give me a shout.

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Well living on an island off the north west coast of Scotland makes it pretty limited for me to find riding buddies. Infact, I started riding over 12 years ago and I have never ridden with anyone else (not counting people who I have got into the sport). I built a trials play ground (it got taken down after I left home), I try to find lines in the most simple of things, I ride where there are people who are likely to want to give trials a go, there fore spreading the sport. It is hard being the only trials rider in your area but I love trials and I don't need someone with me to do that.

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I was chating to the guy that owns the new trials indoor area in north wales, he was at last weekends trials british last round and he said he was looking into running a training weekend at the new venue, he was having Danny Butler to host a master class with around 10 riders max, think Danny was having Ben Slinger or Joe Oakley with him also, best get in contact with the guy sorry cant bring his name to mind.


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