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thought i would make a thread for people to discuss flashforward as it has just started and already looks pretty epic! nice high budget too which is a bonus! and a nice concept it seems.

anyway lets hope its as good as 24 and prison break etc

no way! seth mcafarlanes in it! haha.

Edited by arw_86
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Going to be SO amazing. :D

A friend pointed this out to me too. Right at the start, when they on the stake out, the camera pans to the drivers side beneath the road, on the side of the building is an Oceanic banner advertisement haha. :D

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Watched it last night and gotta say I was a bit disappointed. Seems really cheesey and that oriental looking dude makes me angry for some reason...

lol fair enough. that oriental dude was in some awful comedy film....harold and kumar do some sort of shit...or some shit lol.

i just think its got a decent chance of bein quite interesting. it all depends how it pans out. as silly and as obvious as it sounds it will either be amazing or poop i think

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It's actually progressing quite well, although got a long way to go before his wall is filled up like in his Flash Forward.

Personally, i love the show, and can't wait for next weeks.

Gotta agree with you there man, I didn't watch last weeks episode, just watched this weeks tonight and im impressed.

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I am liking it, although I thought they would be making a bigger deal of the guy at the baseball stadium (no-one seems to have checked other cctv cameras, like outside the stadium for when he left!) and less of the main guys family life, the fact that his wife is gonna cheat on him better be important to the story, because I not actually caring that much for his character haha!

Was the kangaroo important?

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finally got round to watching the second episode. loved it!

cant wait for the next one now!

22 episode series i hear! gonna be awesome!....but will also requires alot of focus i think, hope it dont get too technical and confusing! too many names too quick gets me muddled lol

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its on agaiiiin! whoop.

anyway he just went up to his board cos hes matchin something with his flashback and i saw a sticker on there that he added saying 'blue hand' am i forgetting something or did i not see him put that up in the first two episodes?

Edited by arw_86
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