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Mat Smith!!

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Get you're mum/dad to take out the policy, with you as a named driver. Brought mine down from £2000 to £800. Means you don't get proper no claims bonus but I figure I'll worry about that shit when I've got more money.

What company was that with ?

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Get you're mum/dad to take out the policy, with you as a named driver. Brought mine down from £2000 to £800. Means you don't get proper no claims bonus but I figure I'll worry about that shit when I've got more money.

you do realise that's illegal, and in the event of a crash its highly likely your insurace company wont pay out, leaving you as uninsured and liable to be sued.

i had a mk5 6n2 polo 1 liter on a x reg. was an ace lil car. quite quick aswell. i learnt in it. insured it with endsleigh for 1050, third party fire and theft, on my own policy with my parents as NAMED drivers.

quinn direct are ok for provisiona, but when you pass they hike up the price. they quoted me 800 tpf+t on provisional and then nearly 2000 if i passed. thats how they trick you ino going with them in the hope that you wont realise.

elephant are quite good. just insured a 1.9 tdi golf mk4 for 1000 fully comp. 19 2 yrs driving 1 years ncb and 1 claim at fault

Mk3 polo 1.0 :)

did you use your bike ncb?

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My 3.9EFI Land Rover Discovery was the cheapest car I've ever insured, so I don't think so.

It's all about the group...

It's really not, my Audi A4 1.6 was 1600 to insure, my scirocco is 800. Audi was group 10, scirocco is group 14.

It all comes down to the likelyhood of you making a claim the way I see it. In that yes, a scirocco being driven by a 19 year old is more likely to be crashed, and there for a higher insurance group, however I bet a lot of scirocco's get crashed, then scrapped without the driver bothering to make a claim, as it's an old cheep car, with a low book value. However I bet it's pretty unusual for someone to crash an A4 without bothering to claim. A4's are also probably often crashed on motorways and in towns, where other people's property comes into play, and claims become essential and expensive, where as most rocco's probably get crashed due to spirited driving on back roads and in lanes, resulting in nothing but hedge's and fields getting damaged, and the driver having a much greater chance of getting away with not claiming.

The point is the while the scirocco is in every way a higher risk car, its faster, has no ABS, has less forgiving (but much better ;)) handling.... ect.. there is probably a much smaller number of claims made on policy's on sciroccos, than on A4's.

Nah mate, the AA website doesn't ask you to specify if you passed with them or not, nor does it ask you if you've got pass plus.

So, when you check online for you're quote, you take the 15% off for passing with the AA, then also if you do take pass plus with the AA and pass, take the other 35% off the amount aswell. So basically, what ever quote it shows you online, just half it.

Atleast thats what they said on the phone to me.

I think what he means is that once you've taken 15% off the total, the total is now smaller, so you are then taking 35% off the new total, meaning you've not taken 50% off the original total.

EG: you're quoted £1000, you take 15% off, you're quote's now £850, you take 35% off £850, you're new quote is £552.50, not £500. So you've actualy saved a total of 44.75% of the original amount, not 50%

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Doesn't surprise me.

I blame the countless 17/18 year olds that bought a first car, stacked if full of their mates, tried to show off and wrapped it round a tree. It's no wonder premiums are so high. So many people I know wrote off at least three cars within a year of 'passing'.

As someone said above, be careful trying to trick insurance companies, especially car ones, by insuring in parent's names, etc. They're not stupid, and if they refuse to payout on something big, then you could be up sh't creak.

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What company was that with ?

Works with any company, but personally I'm with Elephant. Quinn also gave me pretty good quotes so try them two.

you do realise that's illegal, and in the event of a crash its highly likely your insurace company wont pay out, leaving you as uninsured and liable to be sued.

You do realise you're talking a pile of bullshit?

My dad owns my car, therefore he is the number one name on the insurance. I drive my car, but don't own it, therefore I am the second on the insurance. Who puts more miles into the car is irrelevant and impossible for the insurance company to ever prove. What grounds dyou think they'll have to not pay out/sue me on?

Edited by Max Quinn
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Get you're mum/dad to take out the policy, with you as a named driver. Brought mine down from £2000 to £800. Means you don't get proper no claims bonus but I figure I'll worry about that shit when I've got more money.

Just got a quote doing that. Dad takes out policy, me as named driver. Can now get insured on a saxo VTR :D


Awesome. Thanks for the advice Max :)

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Mate just got insured on a Polo for £1400 fully comp etc, that was with Direct line.

Direct Line wouldn't insure me on my mums car because it has non-standard alloys (which my grandad put on when he owned it) so they think its a boy racer car 8-)

haha as if, what year polo is it? and engine? how long has he been passed aswell?

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Works with any company, but personally I'm with Elephant. Quinn also gave me pretty good quotes so try them two.

You do realise you're talking a pile of bullshit?

My dad owns my car, therefore he is the number one name on the insurance. I drive my car, but don't own it, therefore I am the second on the insurance. Who puts more miles into the car is irrelevant and impossible for the insurance company to ever prove. What grounds dyou think they'll have to not pay out/sue me on?

no otherwise it would be driver, it is called MAIN driver ie the person who drives the car most. what grounds hmm supplying false information of the drivers of the car? leaving you with no insurance therefore leaving the person youh crashed into able to sue you.

GROW up and learn the facts of life

can you drive? do you have an insurance policy? or in fact any experience with insurance policies?

and finally if it was fine to do that then do you not think everybody would do it?

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no otherwise it would be driver, it is called MAIN driver ie the person who drives the car most. what grounds hmm supplying false information of the drivers of the car? leaving you with no insurance therefore leaving the person youh crashed into able to sue you.

GROW up and learn the facts of life

can you drive? do you have an insurance policy? or in fact any experience with insurance policies?

and finally if it was fine to do that then do you not think everybody would do it?

Just gotta say... Although you're right and it's technically illegal, pretty much everybody DOES do it. The proper way to do it is put it in your own name and put mum, sisters, gran etc as named drivers, but most people (including me when I started driving) go on their parents insurance. It doesn't get checked all that often as they have no way of knowing whether you're the main driver or not when/if you crash. It could be the only time you drive it all year for all they know.

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You do realise you're talking a pile of bullshit?

My dad owns my car, therefore he is the number one name on the insurance. I drive my car, but don't own it, therefore I am the second on the insurance. Who puts more miles into the car is irrelevant and impossible for the insurance company to ever prove. What grounds dyou think they'll have to not pay out/sue me on?

Ah, you'd be surprised. I know of people who have crashed, and they have both checked the contents of the car (for 2009 heavy rock CD's, skateboards, sub, usual teenage stuff etc that an adult wouldn't normally have) and asked neighbours as to who used the car the most. It's a loophole that they are closing down on substantially, and if you crash and they have any kind of inkling that you actually do more driving then you've disclosed, they will f**k you over big style.

How do you think it works getting such a cheap quote? They see a fully qualified well experienced driver as the main driver and assume the secondary is either just to move the car or for emergencies, not for a hugely in-experienced driver to go to round a friends every night or up and down the country every weekend, which explains the immense low cost.

Hell, i did it for my first car, 1.4 306 where the lowest quote on my own was 1400, but with my dad on the V5 and the main driver, it was 300 a year, but the insurance companies are getting wise, so beware!

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no otherwise it would be driver, it is called MAIN driver ie the person who drives the car most. what grounds hmm supplying false information of the drivers of the car? leaving you with no insurance therefore leaving the person youh crashed into able to sue you.

How are they gonna know? Like Simon says I guess they could do that shit, but somehow I don't think it's gonna happen. I'll let you know if I get caught though mate.

can you drive? do you have an insurance policy? or in fact any experience with insurance policies?

Bit of a stupid question considering we've been banging on about my insurance policy for a while now. Yes I do drive.

GROW up and learn the facts of life

Sorry man, I didn't realise the meaning of life revolved around insurance policies.

and finally if it was fine to do that then do you not think everybody would do i

Eeerr, almost everyone I know my age does.

Cheers for the non condescending warning though Si :)

Edited by Max Quinn
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and finally if it was fine to do that then do you not think everybody would do it?

As above, I know plenty of people that did this for the first year or 2, the reason I didn't is because you don't earn no claims so it was worth the extra cost in the long run :)

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How are they gonna know? Like Simon says I guess they could do that shit, but somehow I don't think it's gonna happen. I'll let you know if I get caught though mate.

do you know how much effort insurance companies will go to, to avoid paying out?

Bit of a stupid question considering we've been banging on about my insurance policy for a while now. Yes I do drive.

have you looked into the legalities of insurance policies in that case? or the ways insurance companies like to weasel out of paying out?

Sorry man, I didn't realise the meaning of life revolved around insurance policies.

no but a large part of life does revolve around the law

Eeerr, almost everyone I know my age does.

alot of people my age inject herioin daily, beat up grandmas and steal their purses, drive uninsure, no mot, no tax, and no licence. just because they all do it, does that make it ok?

Edited by bollo you ball-bag
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alot of people my age inject herioin daily, beat up grandmas and steal their purses, drive uninsure, no mot, no tax, and no licence. just because they all do it, does that make it ok?

Your comebacks are almost as good as Joe "EVOLUTION IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS*" O'Connor :lol:

*I'm not certain this is word for word, before someone pulls me up on it....

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