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Taping and hooking,

Firstly I was ok, not great at taping but since I have started riding again I simply can’t do it, its like i panic at the last minute and just jump cleen up. Not really a bad thing but it is really annoying so if anyone knows a way to conker my problem I would really appreciate it.

Hooking, from a rolling run I can do it well but never been able to quite get it once stationary position past a certain degree it’s like I don’t get enough momentum to get to the back wheel.

Any idea’s guys????

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Taping and hooking,

Firstly I was ok, not great at taping but since I have started riding again I simply can’t do it, its like i panic at the last minute and just jump cleen up. Not really a bad thing but it is really annoying so if anyone knows a way to conker my problem I would really appreciate it.

Hooking, from a rolling run I can do it well but never been able to quite get it once stationary position past a certain degree it’s like I don’t get enough momentum to get to the back wheel.

Any idea’s guys????

i am crap at hooks but with taps i find that aim quite low with the front but keep your body high, dont crouch. lean quite far forward and try not to focus to much on landing your rear, just keep forward and give a good push up with your arms, your rear will find the mark. the main bit i kept forgetting was leaning forward. drove me up the wall......er, or not.

hope that helps.

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