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Creationists V Athiests


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Once again the Christians etc decide to let the thread die rather than explain themselves.

Well that's because it's completely impossible to explain any of the crap that's in the Bible. It won't change their outlook on the subject of course but that's just because they're a bit dim. Sarcasm based in fact there folks, I call it sarfact.

Anal, we need you!

Everyone needs a little anal in their lives.

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" God's about as real as daffy duck, thats my opinion....." "...... but people know what daffy duck look likes, so maybe daffys realer"

"People make there own decisions, you dont tell people what the believe or conivince some people what to believe, i think anyone with any kind of medium intelligence can make their own decisions"

Just watchd 199 lives again, ^^^ a few quotes form Robert pastrana on his views of god


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We're safe there then :P.

I reckon your nerves would break and you'd vibrate for the rest of your life. Then after you die, God would probably make you vibrate for eternity for not believing in him.

I've never said he doesnt exist, i just want someone to proove it :P

Proof is in the cross shaped pudding and the jesus face crisp.

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Heard an amazing joke in the pub the other day...

A strict Islamic follower has died and gone to heaven he finds himself walking on clouds and he see's some gates, he walks towards the gates and is greeted by a man with a beard. He says to the man "Are you Mohammed ?" "No" the man replies "I am luke, you will find Mohammed upstairs."

The man looks up and see's a ladder fall down from the sky, so he climbs up the ladder in search of Mohammed.

He climbs the ladder and finds himself up in higher clouds, he finds another man and asks "Are you Mohammed ?" "No, I am Moses. You will find Mohammed upstairs..." replies the man.

Again, a ladder falls from the sky and the man climbs up the ladder. Thinking to himself "Mohammed is higher than Moses, I must have chosen the right faith !"

He climbs up to the next cloud and is greeted by a man with a beard, by this time he is out of breath from all the climbing and cannot spare a breath. The man asks him what he is looking for, "Are you Mohammed?" he asks. "No, I am Jesus. You will find Mohammed at the cloud!" With that another ladder falls down.

The man climbs the ladder, gasping for breath he pulls himself atop of the last cloud. He lies on the floor on his back to catch his breath before continuing, when a voice says to him "I am God ! You look exhausted, would you like a drink?" "Yes....." gasps the man.

He looks round and see's God clap his hands and say "Mohammed, two coffee's pronto"


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I'd love to see the look on all your faces if God turns out to exist :blink:

This is what irritates me. If there is a God, there's going to be an afterlife, which is an eternity of all the religious people being smug about being right.

If atheists are right, we just all die not been able to tell 'I told you do'.

Loose loose.

Edited by JT!
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