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Creationists V Athiests


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The world was literally created in 7 days, evolution is just down right stupid, everything is fake and nothing can ever be proved - and it hasn't. Most of their 'evidence' is just manufactured the way they want it to be.

The bible says how the world was created, therefor that's the way it was. You don't need to go looking for answers when it's right there in front of you.

Besides, if evolution was true how come there are still moneys?!

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**Waits for Dave Marshall to wade in with sledgehammer-esque opinion**

:giggle: I'm here! Don't close it yet :P.

I'm just waiting for 'I've seen miracles at Christian camp man', dunno if that's the same person or not :P

How dare you. How very dare you.

The world was literally created in 7 days, evolution is just down right stupid, everything is fake and nothing can ever be proved - and it hasn't. Most of their 'evidence' is just manufactured the way they want it to be.

The bible says how the world was created, therefor that's the way it was. You don't need to go looking for answers when it's right there in front of you.

Besides, if evolution was true how come there are still moneys?!

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you've just spent way too much time in the States...

Believe what you want to believe. When the time comes I know that I am on the winning side.

That just makes me laugh. You 'believe' what you want. Whatever. You don't, however, know anything. 'The winning side' as opposed to what? The billions of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists etc. etc. who are all going to burn in eternal damnation? Good for you, man, hope you don't get lonely on your pedestal. And to be completely honest from what you said in the previous thread, if you weren't just worm food when you die you'd be in for a really big disappointment. I don't know that of course but I'd be willing to make one serious bet on it!

Edit: Oh yeah, the Creationist stuff. To be fair, anyone who believes that shite seriously need to take a long hard look at themselves and try and remove themselves from the tea party they're having in Fairy Tale Land and try attempt to find some reality. (Sledghammer-esque enough?)


Fact: Darwin said that he is not sure that his "facts" are true or not.

Nice one. You got me there. Oh, wait, since Darwin's time we've come on massively in science (no thanks to the church of course who if they had their way would still have us believe the Sun revolves around the Earth) and advances such as the analysis of DNA can prove the genetic link between species and we can pretty much map the way animals have evolved over millions of years. Darwin was right, even if he wasn't quite convinced of it himself.

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Because matter cannot be created or destroyed, so someone had to create something in the begining, for there to be anything.

So if someone had to have created all the matter that is here and everything that exists has to have been intelligently created who created god? and who created the being that created god? and so on?

The world was literally created in 7 days, evolution is just down right stupid, everything is fake and nothing can ever be proved - and it hasn't. Most of their 'evidence' is just manufactured the way they want it to be.

The bible says how the world was created, therefor that's the way it was. You don't need to go looking for answers when it's right there in front of you.

Besides, if evolution was true how come there are still moneys?!

I'm pretty sure you're taking the piss.

well I guess the bottom line is you cant get something from nothing, even stephen dawkins cant' answer that, watch expelled with an open mind it might make you think about things differently...

What makes you think there was ever nothing? If everything has to be have been created then surely God must have been created? Where did god come from?

I intend on watching Expelled mainly because Ben Stein or who ever he is kept referring to "Darwinism" as people who believe life was caused by lightening striking a puddle of mud.

Thats me.

Believe what you want to believe. When the time comes I know that I am on the winning side.

Fact: Darwin said that he is not sure that his "facts" are true or not.

Hence it being called the "Theory" of Evolution.

Darwin didn't just open a book and take everything (well maybe not everything just what he wants to hear) as fact. Darwin took time to study what he thought might be a very logical solution to the equation of complex life forms.

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Nice one. You got me there. Oh, wait, since Darwin's time we've come on massively in science (no thanks to the church of course who if they had their way would still have us believe the Sun revolves around the Earth) and advances such as the analysis of DNA can prove the genetic link between species and we can pretty much map the way animals have evolved over millions of years. Darwin was right, even if he wasn't quite convinced of it himself.

So if animals can breed and evolve with each other according to Evolotion, why can you not breed a dog with a cat?

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So if animals can breed and evolve with each other according to Evolotion, why can you not breed a dog with a cat?

You don't understand the theory of Evolution. A dog and a cat can't breed together because their Genes are incompatible however, two dogs could breed together and have a puppy with a mutation. If this mutation give that puppy an advantage over the other puppy's (such as sharp teeth to slice through meat) then that gene will live on. This has happened over thousands of generations and millions of years.

This is an example of selective breeding Humans have taken over the natural selection of evolution to bring you cows with more meat on them.

Its because of advances like this that we are sat here at computers talking to people who we'd never talk to before. This did not come about through praying for a cow with more meat on it or praying for computers.

More examples of man made Evolution are computers and computer programs. They started out fairly simple and through each generation the bits that work got carried on through and the bits that don't work became extinct.

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I don't believe in any of this shit.

I think it's devolution, and were all working backwards to be like monkeys and stuff.

Those silly africans who put hoops around they're necks will end up as giraffes, americans will end up as water beasts like buffalos and heffalumps, and people from liverpool will turn into mexicans.

And if I die tomorrow I'll just wake up as something new (a bird of prey I hope)...

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stephen dawkins

Damn, I missed that one.

So if animals can breed and evolve with each other according to Evolotion, why can you not breed a dog with a cat?

Yeah, go and read a Wikipedia page on genetics and breeding or something. We all evolved from basic life forms, right back to bacteria etc., but along the way, different species evolved which took a new route down the chain, forming the basis for everything we see now. Those different chains tend not to be compatible. Cats can breed with cats, even in the extreme (Liger anyone) but a cats gene's simply aren't compatible with a dog, elephant or giraffe- comical though those combinations may be.

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You don't understand the theory of Evolution. A dog and a cat can't breed together because their Genes are incompatible however, two dogs could breed together and have a puppy with a mutation. If this mutation give that puppy an advantage over the other puppy's (such as sharp teeth to slice through meat) then that gene will live on. This has happened over thousands of generations and millions of years.

This is an example of selective breeding Humans have taken over the natural selection of evolution to bring you cows with more meat on them.

Its because of advances like this that we are sat here at computers talking to people who we'd never talk to before. This did not come about through praying for a cow with more meat on it or praying for computers.

More examples of man made Evolution are computers and computer programs. They started out fairly simple and through each generation the bits that work got carried on through and the bits that don't work became extinct.

But according to evolution, everything came from the same thing, so I struggle to see why a cat and dog cannot breed seeing as evolution says they are all from the same thing.

As for mutation, that is when a certain thing is made different e.g. people that were in Chernoybl got radiation that mutated them and there kids, but the kids mutation is from affected sperm and seeing as the kids didnt have any at the time their kids wont be mutated. Another thing like that, people claim that Swine flu is a mutation of Bird flu, but when you look at them they are just Influenza A with tiny variations. Also to do with Swine and Bird flu, in the bible God tells that any animal that is a scavenger (birds and pigs) shouldnt be eaten because they are unclean and carry bugs and disease, and what did Swine/Bird flu come from? Yeah.

And I wouldnt say that computers and other techologys are human evolution as much as I would say they are discoveries.

Because back 1000s of years ago when people were first on earth, they were still discovering things, and through finding things they were able to build on it to get what we have. For example, fire was discovered and they found you can use it for light and cooking, this split into two different paths, cooking and lighting, people found that you can use fire to light up something and so they invented torches and candles and then it was discovered that electricity can be used as light also, so they got light bulbs. People found that fire can cook food so they used it to do so, then found that you could stick your food on a flat surface and it works better, and enclosing the fire will improve it and so on. So I think that it is not human evolution but discovery.

Lastly, do you ever think... how is it that the earth is the perfect distance from the sun that it is in its gravitaional pull and not to close it will burn or to far away it will freeze, and that there are stars much more massive than our sun and that by a random fluke of rubbish hitting each other, the earth was formed and life was made?

To me that is way to unlikely and the bible tells that it was done by Gods love and that he did it.

But like I said before, believe what you want to believe, your choice is your choice.

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But according to evolution, everything came from the same thing, so I struggle to see why a cat and dog cannot breed seeing as evolution says they are all from the same thing.

See above. Chernobyl and evolution is quite different. The mutations caused by radiation affected the genetics of the parents and the resulting children have genetic defects which has resulted in cancers and all sorts of other medical problems. The mutation is in their genes and if they have kids, the problems will most likely be passed on. The flu thing is also more a mutation than evolution. The bacteria builds an immunity to the drugs we create to kill them and when that happens we have to make up a new strain (and name) for the virus.

Lastly, do you ever think... how is it that the earth is the perfect distance from the sun that it is in its gravitaional pull and not to close it will burn or to far away it will freeze, and that there are stars much more massive than our sun and that by a random fluke of rubbish hitting each other, the earth was formed and life was made?

Do you ever think... life could only possibly exist on this planet because it's the correct distance from the sun? One feeds the other, not the other way round. Your 'fluke of rubbish' theory is just plain and simple ignorance born from your blindness to anything other than what your book tells you. To me it's nothing to do with 'belief'. I know both sides of the story, reasonably well in both cases. One side has absolutely zero basis in anything even remotely sensible, reasonable or possible. The other actually has a fair amount of fact, sense and possibility behind it. Without being too nasty, everything you say comes back to your ignorance. You simply don't seem to have a clue about anything to do with evolution, space, genetics, science even. I don't mean to be condescending (although I know I'm quite good at doing it unintentionally) but you (and possibly most other people who believe in creationism (Hannah ;)) seem to be uneducated in anything relating to the scientific theories which you're so willing to dismiss. Open your eyes dude... it often helps you to see what's in front of your nose.

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