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Echo Urban 24


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Decide to go for one of these as the inspired fourplay to expensive for me. bought it new off a mate and have to say its one of the best bikes ive ever had.

def prefer 24 to mod but have never riden stock before. will keep progress posted.

was wondering, is has a magura rear but should i get a booster for it and if so what one. thanks.

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I've been thinking to buy a 24" or a stock bout next summer, hope I've became good enuff on my Mod then to deserve a new bike. But to me it seems like the 24" are still rather expensive. Specially as I gotta buy over seas most likely.

Well, keep it up mate and we'll see what you like it! Thanx for tipping.

btw, I think the Trialtech Sport (2-bolt) booster is quite stiff and very light. Maybe that's a good choice? Quite clean looks too -> Trialtech Sport Booster @ Tartybikes

Edited by bumbibop
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Ye i suppose it is quite expensive but felt it was about time i got a new bike as i sold my orange blood for the cash to get it. why buy something to learn on you dont want or are goin to upgrade any way. 24" seem to be getting more popular anyway so why not.

have been riding dh and jump bikes for years so feels good to me as im not into or plannin to do comps or anythin.

will post some pics later on.

thanks for advice on boosters, going to get one from tarty bikes i think

thought about the effect but when is it goin to appear, would love a ride to see what its like aswell


Edited by VOLTAGE25
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