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What To Get For My First Bike


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Im going to get my first trials bike soon and I dont know wether to go for stock or mod but ill decide this weekend after trying a stock. I was just wondering what the best stock or mod is to learn on, my budget is around £380. I seen:

Yaabaa 499

Onza Bird

Onza Pro

ONZa Hitman

Mad Phase 1.1 1.2 1.3

If there are any other good ones please let me know.



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it depends on what brakes you want and what kind of riding you're going to be doing.

it also depends on what bike you ride normally. if you ride a mountain bike you will be better of with a stock, but if you ride a bmx you will be better off with a mod

Edited by chris_trials
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I do a lot of mtb ing and I would ride street as there is not much natural riding around my area. I think a stock would be better for me then as I'm also tall. My mates mod does seem a bit small. So what are the good stock bikes out there for around £380-£400 (if I can keep saving my money)



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Heya, been browsing this forum for a while but only now decided to make an account (nothing to contribute as i dont know enough about trials)

Basically, bought the Mod bike from pogonation and the front lever blade snapped, i would replace it straight away but i don't know anything about hydralic disk levers or what blade to use.

Can i use any old hydrolic disk blade? I'm wondering because i don't want to use the wrong part and mess it up xD

Thanks in advance.

no you need the original you cant just chuck anyold one on

Do you know where i can buy a Marta lever blade then? All i can find are the complete carbon levers, all i want is the blade.

It's either missing or i'm being really slow but i couldn't see an edit button.

Marta Lever Blade <-- Will these do for the front Marta disk? I wanted a 2finger blade but if thats all that i can get and if it is indeed ONLY marta blades that work then they will have to do.

...Ok i can edit this post, anyway, found out its £72 for the 2finger Marta lever from that site, is there any way to replace the BLADE only for a cheaper price?

ring magura direct

if the blade has just snapped then its a fault with the lever and they should replace it for you

however if it has been abused you may need you pay for one

btw ... have you checked ebay? i had a quick look but keep checking

the only other thing to do is to get another disk brake

plenty in the for sale section

i havent had a look but maybe try chain reaction cycles as they usually have loads of parts but unfortunately tartybikes dont sell the marta levers...

Get a third party one as magura spares are quite hard to get as they need to come from germany. I think straitline might do something that will fit however they are quite pricey. Alternatively you could just ring magura yourself or get your lbs to order one in!

Thanks for the replys guys, the reason im asking about blades is because the marta blade is too expensive, i'll give magura a ring though and find out about getting them to repair it. Getting a new disk is out of the question as its only the blade in the lever thats gone.

Need more input please, maybe i could weald it back together? The blade isnt wreaked, just snapped.

As a tempory fix.

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Im going to get my first trials bike soon and I dont know wether to go for stock or mod but ill decide this weekend after trying a stock. I was just wondering what the best stock or mod is to learn on, my budget is around £380. I seen:

Yaabaa 499

Onza Bird

Onza Pro

ONZa Hitman

Mad Phase 1.1 1.2 1.3

If there are any other good ones please let me know.



Hi. I've just started trials in the past couple of weeks also.

I got a stock Echo of 3Bay.

I find it abit big to practice on and maybe should of got a mod instead.

I'm 5'7'' 10 stone. so maybe thats why. Little shortie.

Hope this helps.

P.s The Echo is nice to ride though. Looks good.

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I started out with a Onza T-Pro it was pritty good at the time for me as i didn't do much real trials riding i just rode around. If i was you i would consider any kind of Onza as they are very good to start off with and they don't brake to much apart from the freewheel's, i would buy a better freewheel when buying the bike as it will probally snap in a few weeks. Jordan x

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