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Mod Bikes Vs Stock Bikes


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Its completly down to prefrence, moast people try both mod and stock to see which they like better before buying a trials bike. people say if your tall you should probably get a stock. Because if your tall you have long enough legs to get there weight over the front and back wheels sleightly better, making things like wheel swaps sleightly easyer. But people moastly dont care, all they care about is riding for fun and which bike suits them better not if they have chosen the "wrong" bike.

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I started on a stock, and as a result really cannot get along with mods :( all Personal preference really, and depends to some extent on your size. As a beginner ( 12-15 ) id recommend getting a mod, any older and i'd say stock.

Any mountain bike background, and i'd also say stock.

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There is only a small difference between mod and stock really .

Well i think .

Mods are generally more flicky and easier to chuck around and if you have the right set up on a stock and you are tall you can probally treat a stock as flicky and chuckable .

Its mostly down to personal preference when it comes down to wheel size but 26" wheels generally are better at rolling over rough terrain such as rocks and 20" are more bouncy to even out the differences .

It doesnt change how big you go as it is in the riders technique/power/balance and all round feel for the bike .

I think mod bikes are easier to progress on as they are smaller and chuckable as i have said above .

Its what you think ,

Edited by PANTENE!
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