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New Way To Bleed A Hs33 Or Echo Bakes


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get a peace of hose pipe and block one end and make sure it is because it will fire out at grate speed then get a old snaped crossover and put it in the side of the pipe and then put it in the hole for the bleed bot on the lever and then undo the bleed bolt on the calliper and turn on the tap the presur forces the water throw the pipes and then bleeds the brake but pump the lever slowly befor turning the tap off

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He's on about using the water pressure to bleed the brake. A similar system is used for car clutches/brake systems i believe. To be honest, i would have though a bath bleed is both easier and less inclined to get you soaking ( if the hose comes off the x-over ). If you want to bleed on the bike, a syringe would no doubt be easier. Also, wouldn't there be a fair amount of air in the water?

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I do not understand what you mean.

You should split that up a bit and use full stops and capital letters.That way more people will read it and reply.Also you have more chance of getting vaidated if you use correct grammer.

Auto Chin

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