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Tensioner Choices


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I have both a 74kingz and a tensile tensioner sitting on my bench and can't decide what to use... i like the 74 kingz style as it is tucked out of the way and landing on it doesn't wreck it or the frame. The tensile style has good tension and wraps the chain around the sprocket more but just seems like having the old style mech hanging on the side of the bike waiting to be clouted... especially with my lack of riding ability!!

I did have a rohloff but they are not adjustable enough to fit my Echo rear hub set up.

My ultimate would be the echo tensioner that fits around the hub shaft ... but sadly not the type i have.

What are your choices and why?

p.s. Anyone got any new 74kingz springs they no longer need :)

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What echo hub is it, fixed or freewhub?

What size the rear sprocket?

Personally I would go for the 74.

I hate tensioners with a passion, which is why I always get horizontal dropouts if I can.

I have to say though, on my last bike with vertical dropouts I had a 74 kings and it was amazing, never ever slipped or lost tension, superb it was.

Those other tensioners are shit with a capital shite, I would take the other one and launch it into the sea/deep river, then the choice is easy.


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