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Your Spotify Playlists


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I've been meaning to get spotify, but I've never got round to it.

Is it worth it? Most of the music I listen to I've got on iTunes though.

Whats the point then? if youve got all the songs you want, then theres no real point, unless you want to listen to new ones :rolleyes:

I think it's a nice thing to have

It's easier to use than iTunes too

Not laggy like iTunes can be

Does help you discover a lot of new stuff though, guessing half the songs on my playlist I hadn't even heard before spotify

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I bet once they've got everyone on board a year or two down the line they'll start charging for a lot of songs.

Nah, don't think they will

There's a monthly subscription service which is how they make money, aswell as adds

Pretty sure they'll be making a bomb already

How do you get a Spotify playlist link on the Trials-Forum because I have had Spotify for a while now and created Loads of playlist ...

Unless I just write down my playlist in Text format on my next Post .. ?

You right click your playlist (on its title) and then select 'Copy HTTP link' or 'Copy URI link'

Both work

Then paste that in here :)

Edited by ~Samsam~
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