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7 posts in 2 months? Good f**king luck...

How are the mods supposed to spot you if you never post?

EDIT: Also, they never validate people who can't use capital letters and full stops. they're incredibly simple, make posts easier to read and show that you're making an effort. Just a tip. (Y)

Edited by Muel
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7 posts in 2 months? Good f**king luck...

How are the mods supposed to spot you if you never post?

EDIT: Also, they never validate people who can't use capital letters and full stops. they're incredibly simple, make posts easier to read and show that you're making an effort. Just a tip. (Y)

Pfft :P

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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to be honest,i really don´t understand the whole point of this validation system,i´m here more than 6months and i´m still not validated and i haven´t done anything bad...so what´s the point of all this???in my opinion just making hurdles for new members,that´s what it is.i´m really pissed about this stupid crap

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to be honest,i really don´t understand the whole point of this validation system,i´m here more than 6months and i´m still not validated and i haven´t done anything bad...so what´s the point of all this???in my opinion just making hurdles for new members,that´s what it is.i´m really pissed about this stupid crap

Its to make sure you mean well and everything.

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to be honest,i really don´t understand the whole point of this validation system,i´m here more than 6months and i´m still not validated and i haven´t done anything bad...so what´s the point of all this???in my opinion just making hurdles for new members,that´s what it is.i´m really pissed about this stupid crap

It's to prove that you're not an idiot, so being "pissed at this stupid crap" means you're not a suitable candidate for validation.

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to be honest,i really don´t understand the whole point of this validation system,i´m here more than 6months and i´m still not validated and i haven´t done anything bad...so what´s the point of all this???in my opinion just making hurdles for new members,that´s what it is.i´m really pissed about this stupid crap

The main point of it is to stop people that aren't really in to trials spamming the forum. . . Its not that hard to use the spell check and I'm guessing that even other countries use fullstops and capital letters at the start of a sentence.

Making a topic saying why havent I been validated With incorrect grammar wont help your cause.

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It's to prove that you're not an idiot, so being "pissed at this stupid crap" means you're not a suitable candidate for validation.

after 6 months of giving good advices and everything i would say i´m good enough to be validated,that´s what i´m saying and six months of waiting is really good reason for being pissed,especially when you see all that stupid imature coments made by full members.this is only forum i know about which has this "clever"system,because there is no need for something like this,because if somebody is idiot as you said,mod gives him warning or ban,no problem,that´s the job of mods imo,not to act like "gods of validation" who know exactly who is good enough and who isn´t.

The main point of it is to stop people that aren't really in to trials spamming the forum. . . Its not that hard to use the spell check and I'm guessing that even other countries use fullstops and capital letters at the start of a sentence.

Making a topic saying why havent I been validated With incorrect grammar wont help your cause.

oh,i haven´t noticed this is english grammar forum,but maybe i´m wrong.

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after 6 months of giving good advices and everything i would say i´m good enough to be validated,that´s what i´m saying and six months of waiting is really good reason for being pissed,especially when you see all that stupid imature coments made by full members.this is only forum i know about which has this "clever"system,because there is no need for something like this,because if somebody is idiot as you said,mod gives him warning or ban,no problem,that´s the job of mods imo,not to act like "gods of validation" who know exactly who is good enough and who isn´t.

oh,i haven´t noticed this is english grammar forum,but maybe i´m wrong.

You wouldn't of been validated as you dont use Capital letter's or Full stop's. It's not hard to put a Capital letter at the start of a sentance, And a full stop at the end. After you've writen you're post read it through and when you run out of breath put a Fullstop followed by a Capital letter.

P.S ... You've been part of the forum for 4 month's.

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You wouldn't of been validated as you dont use Capital letter's or Full stop's. It's not hard to put a Capital letter at the start of a sentance, And a full stop at the end. After you've writen you're post read it through and when you run out of breath put a Fullstop followed by a Capital letter.

P.S ... You've been part of the forum for 4 month's.

Please,read my second answer again,maybe you´ll get it.

wow,only 4 months,i´m reaaaly sorry,because some members are validated after 2weeks,but they know so much more about trials and everything,that´s for sure.I don´t know how is it posible that observedtrials.net works without any validation and since i´m registered there haven´t been any problem.I don´t know,probably it´s more about people,not about system.

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I have been on here since the 15/04/2009 and i am still not validated.It is not the end of the world.

My laptop has been broken for ages and i did not have spare cash to fix it.Since it got fixed i have been trying to make good posts that interest people and not cause any offence.Fingers crossed it happens soon.

Just think how good it will feel when when you finally are able to post in the whole forum,not just the nms.

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You need to read the post titled "oh come on...."

Its a good reason why the validation system is there and I think it is a good idea, yes some scammers do slip, but all you gotta do is warn the mods and leave it to them

I've posted probably about 30 posts in 2 weeks (hopefully all are useful) but am willing to wait even if it takes a year (hoping it doesn't though)

Just give it some time dude.

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The main point of it is to stop people that aren't really in to trials spamming the forum. . . Its not that hard to use the spell check and I'm guessing that even other countries use fullstops and capital letters at the start of a sentence.

Making a topic saying why havent I been validated With incorrect grammar wont help your cause.

Pffft. :P

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Please,read my second answer again,maybe you´ll get it.

wow,only 4 months,i´m reaaaly sorry,because some members are validated after 2weeks,but they know so much more about trials and everything,that´s for sure.I don´t know how is it posible that observedtrials.net works without any validation and since i´m registered there haven´t been any problem.I don´t know,probably it´s more about people,not about system.

Look you're not going to be validated if you're complaining about not being validated, You have to show the mod's you've got somthing to give to the forum before being validated. You don't have to know alot about trial's to get validated, You've only got to be as helpful on you're post's as possiable. Just use near perfect spelling << Which you have got. And good grammer, It's simple.

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7 posts in 2 months? Good f**king luck...

How are the mods supposed to spot you if you never post?

EDIT: Also, they never validate people who can't use capital letters and full stops. they're incredibly simple, make posts easier to read and show that you're making an effort. Just a tip. (Y)

Pfft :P

There's always someone who has to check the grammar of someone who mentions about dodgy punctuation, not saying I couldn't help it. :P

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At the end of the day, there isn't an army of moderators on the forum to deal with all the newcomers. They would much rather leave them in NMC unless the notice they can take care of themselfs and not have to be educated when their in the big pond.

If there were more mods/admins who had all the time in the world to sit on here and moderate I'm sure there would be no NMC, unfortuantly there isn't so its shit luck, if you don't like it, leave for another forum that dosn't have this system in place.

I agree it can be unfair on some at times, where some people get validated in a day and some a matter of months but that is how it is. No amount of whining from people is going to change that.

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observedtrials.net works without any validation

Possibly because there are almost double the amount of people on here compared to OTN, who've made more than three times the amount of posts there are on OTN?

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Plus OTN is full of complete 'tards. And I don't just mean because the majority are American either...

From what i´ve read here it´s not observedtrials where the tards are...Despite validation system.

So you know that this system it´s not fair sometimes(everytime in my opinion),so why it´s still working this way?why thousands of people gotta start the same topics and give the same advices all the time just because there were/are few stupid individuals who did not respect forum rules?It seems to be one mess,which cannot be called system really.I´m sorry mods,admins,I´m not writing this to make you look like people who aren´t doing their job well,i´m traying to say that this whole thing is not making this forum better and i´m sure i´m not the only one because people here are doing the best they can(most of them),but plenty of them isn´t validated because they weren´t noticed by any of you this is really not motivating to keep posting here.

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i´m traying to say that this whole thing is not making this forum better and i´m sure i´m not the only one because people here are doing the best they can(most of them),but plenty of them isn´t validated because they weren´t noticed by any of you this is really not motivating to keep posting here.

Your wrong, when the validation system was put in place, It made things alot better. The forum as a whole became alot less flooded with crap.

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Please,read my second answer again,maybe you´ll get it.

wow,only 4 months,i´m reaaaly sorry,because some members are validated after 2weeks,but they know so much more about trials and everything,that´s for sure.I don´t know how is it posible that observedtrials.net works without any validation and since i´m registered there haven´t been any problem.I don´t know,probably it´s more about people,not about system.

You're posts are really hard to read, you seem to use a different apostrophe to everyone else which looks like you've put a space either side of it, that in it's self isn't a big deal but combine that with the fact that you don't use spaces after commas, full stops and brackets etc make you posts very annoying to read.

The validation system is to keep the rest of the forum of a high standard. Allowing posts typed liked yours would lower the standard, and the form may be used less because of it.

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You're posts are really hard to read, you seem to use a different apostrophe to everyone else which looks like you've put a space either side of it, that in it's self isn't a big deal but combine that with the fact that you don't use spaces after commas, full stops and brackets etc make you posts very annoying to read.

You've got to remember that he's from Slovakia though and so English is unlikely to be his first language. If I was posting in a Slovakian trials forum I very much doubt my posts would be as easy to read as ghostriders...

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