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Where To Buy A Bike.

Jan Tore

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Thanks a lot guys. Any other advices you might have will also be very appreciated.

And to Ben; TRA, what would that be?

TRA is a rider, youtube him ? "TRA trials"

Also, one more bit of advice. Don't listen to this...

Trials-UK are brilliant i always get my order on time and with a treat too , you get games like cluedo travel :)


Don't use Trials-UK, the business is turning into a scam and hasn't been sending parts for a while now I don't think.

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TRA is a rider, youtube him ? "TRA trials"

Also, one more bit of advice. Don't listen to this...

Don't use Trials-UK, the business is turning into a scam and hasn't been sending parts for a while now I don't think.

Thanks! Will check the movie out for sure.

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I'm actually looking for a stock bike.

Where are those older T-rex's to be found?

Your best bet would be on ebay, although if your looking at second hand a much you'll be able to pick up something better than a T-Rex for about £200.

How much money (in £'s) are you looking at spending ?

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Your best bet would be on ebay, although if your looking at second hand a much you'll be able to pick up something better than a T-Rex for about £200.

How much money (in £'s) are you looking at spending ?

Preferably not more than 500£ on my first bike.

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Preferably not more than 500£ on my first bike.

£500 will get you something pretty sweet at the moment, hang on here and get validated then have a look in the FS threads.

I'm sure somebody will be happy to post something out to you, or failing that get on Tarty Bikes and see what you can get ! :P


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£500 will get you something pretty sweet at the moment, hang on here and get validated then have a look in the FS threads.

I'm sure somebody will be happy to post something out to you, or failing that get on Tarty Bikes and see what you can get ! :P


Sounds like a plan!

Thanks a lot for the help guys.

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lmao did you get that sponser in an order with a cluedo game,

buy on ebay, just keep looking you will be rewarded, Tartybikes.co.uk ship allover the world!

I'll keep my eyes open for sure!

One off topic question;

Is there a special hose(tube) in trials tyres? Noticed there never seems to pop holes in them.

Edited by Jan Tore
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Nope, just normal ones. It's the tyres that are special/stop holes.

Ah, so that's the deal. I currently use a dirt bike, and find myself popping holes in the tube all the time. I've even bought this expensive, thicker tube, but without luck.

Can't wait to get my hands on a trials bike now.

When it comes to air pressure in tires, what would be preferable for a 165 lbs heavy person?

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