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Oh Come On............

Andy King

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MODS: I know about the whole for sale in the new members section ("NMC" if your too cool for skool ;)) but PLEASE help me out here, I'm just trying to flog my bike!

Its sad enough for me already!

Like I said before, I've been a member for years, and never got upgraded!

Throw me bone!



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MODS: I know about the whole for sale in the new members section ("NMC" if your too cool for skool ;)) but PLEASE help me out here, I'm just trying to flog my bike!

Its sad enough for me already!

Like I said before, I've been a member for years, and never got upgraded!

Throw me bone!



Scrap that, I see you already have them on ebay.

Good luck selling them (Y)


Edited by Pashley26
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You made 17 posts, which up until the past few days have all been from 2006 and you're wondering why you've never been validated and can't sell :huh:

The rules are in place for everyone and for good reason. You could be anybody at all and could be ready to scam honest and trusting members on here with never sending the items out after receiving payment.

It's nothing personal, we just like to keep things safer for everyone.

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No offence but this validation system doesn't seem to be working very well. There are lots of people, myself included who have given up trials and just wish to sell up. In the forum rules it states,

To get your account validated, simply make a reply to an existing thread or start a new one within New Members Chat. We just want to know that your intentions are good and you understand the forum guidelines before we let you loose in the members area!

I can quite understand wanting people to make a few posts just to check their intentions but it seems like you can be on here forever and not get validated where as some of the more well known people just seem to breeze straight in without making any meaningfull posts at all. At the end of the day, the scammers are still getting in, you only have to look at the amount of scamming topics that regularly come up.

Would it not be possible to get a system where every new member is flagged up for review after a certain amount of time or posts and the Mod. can then decide if they are worthy of being upgraded or are a possible scammer? We don't all have time to endlessly sit in front of the computer day after day trying to catch a mods attention so we can get upgraded just to try to sell our bike or parts, if the mods have a set length of time or number of posts a new member must reach before they can be considered for validation then it should be made clear and apply to all so we all know if we're wasting our time on here trying to get validated.

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Hence why loads of people are on here for ages without getting validated!

Surely the system would be easier if people were flagged upto the mods after they had been a member for a month of had reached 25 posts or whatever than if the mods have to go trawling through the threads everyday looking for people to validate? All they need to do is have a quick look through some of their previous posts then they can decide straightaway.

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No offence but this validation system doesn't seem to be working very well. There are lots of people, myself included who have given up trials and just wish to sell up. In the forum rules it states,

I can quite understand wanting people to make a few posts just to check their intentions but it seems like you can be on here forever and not get validated where as some of the more well known people just seem to breeze straight in without making any meaningfull posts at all. At the end of the day, the scammers are still getting in, you only have to look at the amount of scamming topics that regularly come up.

Would it not be possible to get a system where every new member is flagged up for review after a certain amount of time or posts and the Mod. can then decide if they are worthy of being upgraded or are a possible scammer? We don't all have time to endlessly sit in front of the computer day after day trying to catch a mods attention so we can get upgraded just to try to sell our bike or parts, if the mods have a set length of time or number of posts a new member must reach before they can be considered for validation then it should be made clear and apply to all so we all know if we're wasting our time on here trying to get validated.

Very well said, as far as I am aware, the mods go onto NMC every now and again, look at the bottom where you can see all the ornage names and pick them out randomly, check their posts and validate if they see fit.

I brought up the idea of some flagging system ages ago. Something does need to be done about it, especially when people like you arn't validated, and people like the comment i made in random small questions about get validated in 7 posts of gibberish.

Since when's that got to do with anytihng?! I got validated in less than that. Post count has nothing to do with it.

I think he was referring to him posting very very little over time.

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This topics old. The validations sytems fine as it is, if you don't like it then, well, you can piss off.

Oooohh! Seem to have touched a nerve here!

You're proof the validation system doesn't work! Just abuse rather than a reasoned argument or maybe pointing out the flaws you see in my arguement?

Like i said,

To get your account validated, simply make a reply to an existing thread or start a new one within New Members Chat. We just want to know that your intentions are good and you understand the forum guidelines before we let you loose in the members area!

2 years and 17 posts isn't enough to make a decision on weather someone is a scammer or genuine? The above paragraph reads that you must have good intentions and you understand the rules. Surely if you just post a few helpful replies and don't act like a complete noob then you should be given the benefit of the doubt? I have made a few replies I thought to be helpful and it's got me absolutely nowhere. If you don't even consider members for validation until they have made 50 posts or whatever then it would be nice to know!

Edited by Trialsben
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validation is something you have to earn there is no point making threads like this moaning that you haven't been validated as all it will do a couple of things 1) probably annoy the moderators 2) make it even more difficult to get validated.

like it says in the first post for all new members to read.

The validation is how it is so the moderators can look an see what your true intentions are, an not to pester the moderators or post pointless topics asking why haven't i been validated!

All this will do is work against you an make it a lot harder to get validated.

just sit tight input to the forum an show your intentions and eventually you may get validated.


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Very well said, as far as I am aware, the mods go onto NMC every now and again, look at the bottom where you can see all the ornage names and pick them out randomly, check their posts and validate if they see fit.

I brought up the idea of some flagging system ages ago. Something does need to be done about it, especially when people like you arn't validated, and people like the comment i made in random small questions about get validated in 7 posts of gibberish.

Thanks for the support, I knew this was gonna open up a big can of worms and probably get me a load of flak off the members but I'll try to persist in making a reasoned arguement and see if anything constructive comes of it.

validation is something you have to earn
like it says in the first post for all new members to read.

The validation is how it is so the moderators can look an see what your true intentions are

I'm not disputing that, it's a good idea. All i'm saying is that it might be better if there was a time limit or some sort of flagging system in place to ensure the genuine people don't end up waiting ages for validation when they are making good replys and not causing trouble on the forums. As i said above a flagging system could also save the mods time rather than the random free for all that seems to be currently in place.

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2 years and 17 posts isn't enough to make a decision on weather someone is a scammer or genuine? The above paragraph reads that you must have good intentions and you understand the rules. Surely if you just post a few helpful replies and don't act like a complete noob then you should be given the benefit of the doubt? I have made a few replies I thought to be helpful and it's got me absolutely nowhere. If you don't even consider members for validation until they have made 50 posts or whatever then it would be nice to know!

You seem to have gotten a little confused between the validation system and the reason why we banned forsale / wanted topic in NMC.

The reason we stopped forsale / wanted topics is because someone could just come in here, pretend to sell and then run off with their money, however if they have to post a few times first it kind of builds their reputation up and are less likely to have the scammers be validated or put off by the wait time. I personally believe this isn't the reason, i was always under the impression that the real reason was because TF wanted to stop people from joining just to sell, and not posting anything else.

The validation system is there not just to stop potential scammers, but to keep out people who are unable to but effort into their posts and use basic grammar and spelling etc. It's also there for pre-members to get to know the ropes and it keeps all the newbie questions in the same place, keeping the rest of the forum a higher quality.

Everyone knows the validation system isn't perfect, you're obviously proof of that (I reported you to be validated), but I guess it's the best we've got and i can imagine it'll be constantly worked on.

Edited by JT!
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You seem to have gotten a little confused between the validation system and the reason why we banned forsale / wanted topic in NMC.

The reason we stopped forsale / wanted topics is because someone could just come in here, pretend to sell and then run off with their money, however if they have to post a few times first it kind of builds their reputation up and are less likely to have the scammers be validated or put off by the wait time. I personally believe this isn't the reason, i was always under the impression that the real reason was because TF wanted to stop people from joining just to sell, and not posting anything else.

The validation system is there not just to stop potential scammers, but to keep out people who are unable to but effort into their posts and use basic grammar and spelling etc.

Everyone knows the validation system isn't perfect, you're obviously proof of that (I reported you to be validated), but I guess it's the best we've got and i can imagine it'll be constantly worked on.

Fair points and many thanks for the recommendation.

I get both sides of the arguement and a flagging system is the best i can come up with. I think your always going to get scammers no matter what system you use, although maybe a rating system on posts could also work, especially in the for sale section so at least if the worst did happen then it could stop other people getting scammed.

My main problem with the current system is the fact that you could post the best replies in the world but if the mod's miss them then you could never get validated! A flagging system would allow the mods to have a quick look at peoples intentions along with their spelling, grammer, etc and make a quick decision. I suppose the main problem would be implementing such a system and unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to do it so I guess your right and the current system will be in place for the forseeable future.

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Oooohh! Seem to have touched a nerve here!

You're proof the validation system doesn't work! Just abuse rather than a reasoned argument or maybe pointing out the flaws you see in my arguement?

Your whole argument is a flaw though, this has been done and done and done to death and nothing has changed before, Why would it now? Just because you dont like the validation system we should change it?

At the end of the day, my post wasn't personally aimed at you or anyone in particular, i just think people should be more grateful and appreciate what they have got opposed to bitching, however hard it is to believe, the mods/admin do in fact have lives OUTSIDE Tf ;)

But yeah, I stand by my previous post, if you don't it like then go elsewhere.

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Hence why loads of people are on here for ages without getting validated!

Surely the system would be easier if people were flagged upto the mods after they had been a member for a month of had reached 25 posts or whatever than if the mods have to go trawling through the threads everyday looking for people to validate? All they need to do is have a quick look through some of their previous posts then they can decide straightaway.

So that meens post pointless shit, to try get validated?

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Good old keyboard warriors! Some tit sat in his bedroom in his mums house, and is a complete fooking know-all!

MODS: Please delete my Membership entirely (if you can spare the time? although your "lives" seem to involve is sitting on here all day!)

I remember the days when people actually RODE trials, not just bitched about it in shitty forums?!?! Maybe thats why I quit.

Thanks for allowing me to leave on a complete LOW. Wankers.

Oh, the Irony.

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Good old keyboard warriors! Some tit sat in his bedroom in his mums house, and is a complete fooking know-all!

MODS: Please delete my Membership entirely (if you can spare the time? although your "lives" seem to involve is sitting on here all day!)

I remember the days when people actually RODE trials, not just bitched about it in shitty forums?!?! Maybe thats why I quit.

Thanks for allowing me to leave on a complete LOW. Wankers.

To be fair, Adam G is a f**king sound guy and is well up on everything to do with trials.

You won't find many people on here who have a bad word to say about him.

You were starting up a pretty good debate but you've just killed it (along with your credibility) by posting that, which is a shame.

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