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Msn Not Working?


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Oritee people, was wondering if anyone could help me get my msn working again because it hasn't let me sign in for days. Im using messenger for mac version 7.0.2 and when I try to connect it says signing in for a couple of minutes then comes up with ''Sign in to microsoft messenger failed because the service is not available.'' I've tried reinstalling numerous times and i'm pretty sure thats the latest version of messenger so don't really no what else to try, anyone got any ideas ?

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  StevenJJ said:
What's an error code ? :S Sorry not very good with computers. :$

A little message box should pop up telling you that you're unable to log in, bottom of the pop up box should say "error code: blahblahblah". Type the error code into google, there's a whack load of forums telling you ways to sort it out.

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  JT! said:
MSN goes down all the time, give it a few days and it'll be fine.

Ye that's what i thought at first, but this time it's been like over at week that its not worked for :S

I'm still not seeing an error code though :$


Edited by StevenJJ
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