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Sketchy Chain Tensioner

Oliver gu

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My brother made me a chain tensioner for me adamant,, its fairly sketchy. seems to work though (Y) here's a few pics:

facebook photos

it is made out of a peiuce of metal bent round into an L plate and a spoke bent round to tension the chain (Y)

facebook photos

facebook photos

the skeeetttcch

cheers boys n girls

oli xxxx

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to be honest that looks awful!

Better of just getting a proper one!

to be honest i dont care as long as it works :)

and i cant afford one :L

Try hosting the pics where everyone can see them.

andd dont no how mate :P

im new to tf

Edited by Oliver gu
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You can host off of facebook, you just have to copy the image location address and then paste it in the html code box thingy. Basicalyl, right click on the image you want in your post, go on properties, copy the image location address and then click the inset image button in the replying/new topic screen on TF and paste the address in there. hey presto you should have something like %7Boption%7Dtheaddressyoupasted[img\]

Sorry if my explanation makes little sense! But thats how its done. Call me lazy but i can never be bothered to read a topic if the pics are all linked to other sites......

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You can host off of facebook, you just have to copy the image location address and then paste it in the html code box thingy. Basicalyl, right click on the image you want in your post, go on properties, copy the image location address and then click the inset image button in the replying/new topic screen on TF and paste the address in there. hey presto you should have something like %7Boption%7Dtheaddressyoupasted[img\]

Sorry if my explanation makes little sense! But thats how its done. Call me lazy but i can never be bothered to read a topic if the pics are all linked to other sites......

haha nice one mate will have a go at that, sometime,, but i know what your on about been lazy :P:P:P

oli xx

Don't run your bike without a hanger as the drop out will flair!

what do you mean??? like snap???

oli xx

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buy a hanger and i will personally make you a tensioner that is so much better than that :-S

by the looks of the top photo there doesnt seem to be any tension on the chain anyway

anyway enough bitching about problems at least you used your head and thought of something to at least solve the problem in the mean time...

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