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Wyke Riders

Danny Metcalfe

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Ok so heres me thinking I'm one of the only trials riders in my village

(with the exception of ginger josh, scott and gaz meade(quitter))

but last night i saw 2 lads on stocks outside netto

one a czar and another on a GU i think, possibly simtra, not to sure.

but if your reading this,, HELLO!

giv us a shout, always nice to ride with new people?

also if anyone knows of these people tell em to get in touch or sumat,


Mekz x

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Ok so heres me thinking I'm one of the only trials riders in my village

(with the exception of ginger josh, scott and gaz meade(quitter))

but last night i saw 2 lads on stocks outside netto

one a czar and another on a GU i think, possibly simtra, not to sure.

but if your reading this,, HELLO!

giv us a shout, always nice to ride with new people?

also if anyone knows of these people tell em to get in touch or sumat,


Mekz x

I live in Dudley Hill, just down road from you. Can't say I am aware of many other stock riders at top of Bradford (especially in Wyke area), but I not been out in some time so that doesn't mean much.


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I lived in Cleckheaton for 18 years and never saw any other riders. Dunno anyone near Wyke. Weird…

me and a couple of lads been riding wyke, best part of a year now,

see lil chavvies n kids on t-birds with no brakes n stuff.

but never anything like them 2 last night,

Don't no if they were locals or not, Wish I'd've said something now.

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Loads of little gobshites on nicked bikes around Scholes way though haha.

Just been down the road from you today actually—rode Brighouse.



next time you're going out for a ride u shud hit us up?

few decent spots round wyke could show you?

I am fairly shit though...

Lemme Know :)

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next time you're going out for a ride u shud hit us up?

few decent spots round wyke could show you?

I am fairly shit though...

Lemme Know :)

Yeah definitely will do. Brighouse is a very good ride. Might be heading there tomorrow actually but I dunno. PM me your number.

Rode Wyke before but only got shown the school. Anything more about then? Nothing in Judy Woods is there?

And I'm no good either, see sig links haha.

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