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Chris Akrigg

boon racoon

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That was remarkably cool, however it can't be cool because -

1) Fat Pants is going to try to use this to prove fixies are cool, which they aren't, and that fixie tricks are cool, which they aren't

2) It was done on the gayest bike ever. If it was a fixed street mtb, it would be awesome, but on a roadie thing, no.

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I like. I wonder what he'll try next? Tandem stunts?

That said, I'm most interested in seeing him ride a normal trials bike again, and see him incorporate all the skills he's learnt by riding brakeless/fixed gear/tandem.

I also agree with revolver, that it would have been more interesting had he used his normal bike but with fixed gear.

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It was interesting seeing more 'trialsy' stuff done on a fixie. I've seen Ted do insane things on his fixie (takes the piss when you see someone do a hop bars and a 360 hop super clean on one, as well as really fast pedal grinds, tree riders, etc.), but it always just makes me think that the main reason it's 'good' is because it's done on a bike that obviously isn't suited to that task...

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Oh God, don't let FatPants see this. I'm with OBM on this - most of that stuff would have been simple on a trials bike. At least he made the usual fixie "stunt" riding people look (even more) like retards.

I did like the hop-to-wheelie though. That was good.

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