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Music Downloaders Or Lets Have Another Arguement Over The Forum Wheeee


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i dont give a shit lmao, i want free music, i dont intend to pay for something which is supily expensive. £7.90 for 10 songs of itunes... erm i think not. where like hannah says you can use rapid share and get whatever you want for free. i am 15 and i am not made of money so i dont pay for it. i am sure there is still the odd goody two shoes like you around too kep the music undustry going!!

While you're at it, you probably can't afford a brand spanking new trials bike so why not rob tarty? I mean, you're 15 and not made of money so why should you pay for it?


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While you're at it, you probably can't afford a brand spanking new trials bike so why not rob tarty? I mean, you're 15 and not made of money so why should you pay for it?


if it was as easy as it is to download music, and dont get cought as easily, i reckon alot of people would steal cars or whatever ur on about.

do you acctually buy all your music?

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if it was as easy as it is to download music, and dont get cought as easily, i reckon alot of people would steal cars or whatever ur on about.

do you acctually buy all your music?

Record labels know they know they can't stop illegal downloading, but they're gonna do everything they can do to make it slow down substantially. I think the Pirate Bay got taken down a while ago, shows what they're beginning to do!

Also, I download all of my music 100% legally. Haven't downloaded something illegally for some time!

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Record labels know they know they can't stop illegal downloading, but they're gonna do everything they can do to make it slow down substantially. I think the Pirate Bay got taken down a while ago, shows what they're beginning to do!

Also, I download all of my music 100% legally. Haven't downloaded something illegally for some time!

but you still have, so your still in the wrong, thats like saying, oh i havent robbed tarty for a long time, or stolen a car, so that means im okay cos i havent got cought, and now ive stopped.

But still, piratebay got shut down, and they pretty much laughed at them and opend it back up, you can see all the emails on there forum i think.

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Record labels know they know they can't stop illegal downloading, but they're gonna do everything they can do to make it slow down substantially. I think the Pirate Bay got taken down a while ago, shows what they're beginning to do!

Also, I download all of my music 100% legally. Haven't downloaded something illegally for some time!

Piratebay is still very much alive and running.

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but you still have, so your still in the wrong, thats like saying, oh i havent robbed tarty for a long time, or stolen a car, so that means im okay cos i havent got cought, and now ive stopped.

But still, piratebay got shut down, and they pretty much laughed at them and opend it back up, you can see all the emails on there forum i think.

Didn't the owners go to jail? They'll only shut it down again.. (also Sony's new plan will f**k over a lot of people)

Downloading samples, which I've bought now anyway, isn't 'highlyiii illegalz' - especially seeing as they got their money off me once I'd re-bought it legally.

Nothing we say or do on here is gonna make you change your mind, but the day you get a letter through the door from your IP, you're gonna s**t your pants.

Edited by Hendrix
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Didn't the owners go to jail? They'll only shut it down again.. (also Sony's new plan will f**k over a lot of people)

Downloading samples, which I've bought now anyway, isn't 'highlyiii illegalz' - especially seeing as they got their money off me once I'd re-bought it legally.

Nothing we say or do on here is gonna make you change your mind, but the day you get a letter through the door from your IP, you're gonna s**t your pants.

yeah and untill that day im gonna download as much as i can :), dont you get 3 warnings or something anyway? although some woman got fined 10 grand or something for 21 songs? lmao.

dont think the owners went to jail because its not them uploading the content, its just them owning a upload site.

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yeah and untill that day im gonna download as much as i can :), dont you get 3 warnings or something anyway? although some woman got fined 10 grand or something for 21 songs? lmao.

dont think the owners went to jail because its not them uploading the content, its just them owning a upload site.

I'm not sure on the outcome, but it was either jail or a hefty fine, because they knew what was going on..

You're suppose to get three warnings, but I've heard of cases where people have downloaded very little (like the 21 songs thing), and straight away been tracked and taken to court. I think, though, they'd set the track as a stunt to see who'd download it and then rape them.. :P

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yeah and untill that day im gonna download as much as i can :), dont you get 3 warnings or something anyway? although some woman got fined 10 grand or something for 21 songs? lmao.

dont think the owners went to jail because its not them uploading the content, its just them owning a upload site.

We got a letter through about one song that was traced from an album I downloaded via Utorrent. It said they'd give me 3 warnings and then cancel my internet or some bollocks. Mum's boyfriend just told me to carry on dowloading till we got a second one through, about 8 months on and still nothing...

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I understand how shit the deal is for those guys.

Yeah man, I'm sick and tired of having to tell Bono to f**k off when he tries to sell me a Big Issue outside Tesco's. Just the other day I had to step over Steven Tyler who was wasted in a doorway covered in cardboard boxes. Last I was aware, successful musicians are never short of a penny or two...

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Yeah man, I'm sick and tired of having to tell Bono to f**k off when he tries to sell me a Big Issue outside Tesco's. Just the other day I had to step over Steven Tyler who was wasted in a doorway covered in cardboard boxes. Last I was aware, successful musicians are never short of a penny or two...

No-one who doesn't sell themselves to product promotion etc gets to that point now though. Hence you mentioning Bono and Steve Tyler.

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Hence you mentioning Bono and Steve Tyler.

I said those because I have no idea who's 'in' right now and those were two names that popped to mind...

Ok, so you're telling me that Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, Stone Roses, Lady Gaga, Lily Allen, Kings of Leon etc. etc. (taken from the current album chart and the one's who I've actually heard of (and aren't dead)) are struggling to make ends meet and pay the rent?

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I said those because I have no idea who's 'in' right now and those were two names that popped to mind...

Ok, so you're telling me that Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, Stone Roses, Lady Gaga, Lily Allen, Kings of Leon etc. etc. (taken from the current album chart and the one's who I've actually heard of (and aren't dead)) are struggling to make ends meet and pay the rent?

No. Let me explain how the chart works shall I?

The chart is based on sales of an album, whether online or in physical formats. So by looking at the current album chart, you've made a fatal flaw. Those people are there because they have been bought by people who do pay for their music. These people tend to be older (whether buying it for themselves or for kids) who have either gone through a downloading phase or never bothered in the first place.

On the flip side, largely the biggest listeners to music are the younger people. These are the people who, as dickwad up there showed, download rather than pay for their music thus having no effect on the chart and no effect on the artists wallet. The chart would look very very different if we allowed rapidshare downloads (for instance) to influence the chart. This would have to be done secretly of course, so that people who wouldn't normally download illegally don't skew the results.

Point is, if you go on a warez forum and into their music section the recent topics replied to and made wont look anything like the chart. All those downloads are making it harder for many bands to break through even though they have ridiculous followings, just because they appeal to teens who are too old to just be listening to Busted *insert equivalent* and too young to have a conscience about others being rewarded for their efforts.

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Yeah but seriously, who actually buys music these days?

From what I hear, a surprising amount of people don't know how to go about downloading music.

I download it - but if I really like it I'll buy it - as I usually want them to make more.

Not like f**king Chris Clark. Amazing four albums, then turned really shite. :(

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Yeah man, I'm sick and tired of having to tell Bono to f**k off when he tries to sell me a Big Issue outside Tesco's. Just the other day I had to step over Steven Tyler who was wasted in a doorway covered in cardboard boxes. Last I was aware, successful musicians are never short of a penny or two...

lm,ao you made my day, you jsut owned JD. +1!!!!!!

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lm,ao you made my day, you jsut owned JD. +1!!!!!!

Oh f**k off, your thick as shit.



It's interesting reading this how the professional/semi pro/serious musicians on here are saying "No, illegal downloads are shit and will cripple the music industry". And the people who don't know f**k all about the music industry, and only care about listening to music don't give a f**k.

Guys, it won't make a difference to us musicians wether you download music legally or not. We are just telling you the facts, so that next time you want a song you might try another route.

If this kind of thing carries on there won't be any new music of any quality, it'll all be pirate, cheap, shitty and generally budget because the new guys won't be able to make any money out of it to get there foot in the door !

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lm,ao you made my day, you jsut owned JD. +1!!!!!!

This never happens.

It's just differences of opinions. Like Jardo says, it makes f**k all difference to me whether you download your music or not. I'm off out to play an open mic night because I don't plan on making a living out of music anymore. I just hoped that maybe you piraters would maybe see it just a teeny bit from the other side like I see it from your side. I know you're skint, I know you don't value the hours and hours of work and struggle it takes behind the scenes to create anything for you to listen to. That's without mentioning the emotions that have to be put down on paper in the first place. I know why you download, I've done it. And up until recently I did it with films still because I didn't give a f**k about their industry. But I realised I was being a hypocrit and stopped.

On your own you're doing f**k all to harm the industry. But when there's millions of you doing it...

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If this kind of thing carries on there won't be any new music of any quality, it'll all be pirate, cheap, shitty and generally budget because the new guys won't be able to make any money out of it to get there foot in the door !

I call bullshit. There will always be new, good musicians coming through the ranks to become successful. If it's made a little more tricky because of illegal downloads (which, lets face it is pretty unlikely because until you're successful and have a record deal and are releasing albums (making money)) then so be it. Successful musicians will still be successful, have selout gigs and make millions in record, ticket and memorabilia sales anyway.

I just hoped that maybe you piraters would maybe see it just a teeny bit from the other side like I see it from your side. I know you're skint, I know you don't value the hours and hours of work and struggle it takes behind the scenes to create anything for you to listen to. That's without mentioning the emotions that have to be put down on paper in the first place.

I can see it from your point of view, for the artists trying to make it big but it's always been like that. Until you make it big there's no money (or record sales or illegal or otherwise downloads) anyway. Artists will always have to be pretty cut-throat to make it but when they do it's funny how I never hear them complaining about illegal downloads. Fact is the people complaining and bringing lawsuits are the fatcats from Sony or wherever who are trying to protect their multimillion pound salaries.

I guess I just find it incredibly hard to feel sorry for the music industry when there are so many wankers like Simon Cowell sitting on hundreds of millions of pound fortunes...

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