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Music Downloaders Or Lets Have Another Arguement Over The Forum Wheeee


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yes thats right, looking for some LEGAL music downloaders instead of ILEGAL downloaders.

so i can put more ablums or whatever on the ipood, instead of downloading song by song on limewire.


Edited by cox.
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You can get music for free if people deicide to give it away (mongs), or pay 1p for it in the Radiohead album instance.

However, iTunes also have one track a week for free - don't know if the tracks are any good (they choose them like tracks of the week I think?)

Apart from that, you need to save 59p a song and hit up Amazon!

Edited by Hendrix
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lmao oh god, just looked at your last topic 'cox' made me chuckle


made the forum amusing for once. the amount of illegal downlaoding that happens who really cares, i mean who wants to pay for a song? dont think i have payed for one song on my itunes. pm me and i ill find you a msuic site. (Y)

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The 79P that you pay from Itunes etc etc covers your right to play, and own the music. What you do is pay for the right to save it to your computer so that you own the music.

The free streaming sites like Spotify are not illegal, because you do not save the music. Your not "taking" the music, you're simply listening to it through somebody else. Much like hearing a track on the headphones of somebody sat next to you on the bus, you can listen to it but you can't save it.

When you download via lime-wire and other P2P (peer to peer) programs you are essential copying the music from somebody else who uses the programs hardrive, which amounts to theft on a small scale. Because you have not paid for the right to play the music, however I do believe if you have purchased the rights to the music in the past you are entitled to download it. Much like the ROM system works with Gameboy emulators and the like.

Edited by Pashley26
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The free streaming sights like Spotify are not illegal, because you do not save the music. Your not "taking" the music, you're simply listening to it through somebody else. Much like hearing a track on the headphones of somebody sat next to you on the bus, you can listen to it but you can't save it.

Although you can't save it, the companies are technically getting paid for it via the advertising on Spotify itself. Though, they're taking a massive hit.

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Harry, you ever heard of Rapidshare, sugar? I've got it, pay like £40 a year or something and can download films, music, programmes, whatever I want. You can tell what's alright and what isn't normally, just by the websites linked up to Rapidshare and so I've only ever had one virus and that was minor. Can download pretty much anything, so that might be worth a try?

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Although you can't save it, the companies are technically getting paid for it via the advertising on Spotify itself. Though, they're taking a massive hit.

Yeah, Spotify free service has one advert every 30 minuets.

And it's not as though the adverts are shitty, I just listened to one then which was "Frank Music" (SP?) beatboxing and he simply said "My producers asked me to make a Spotify advert, so hear goes" then he did a 20 second unplugged bit of singing and let me get back to my music.

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Harry, you ever heard of Rapidshare, sugar? I've got it, pay like £40 a year or something and can download films, music, programmes, whatever I want. You can tell what's alright and what isn't normally, just by the websites linked up to Rapidshare and so I've only ever had one virus and that was minor. Can download pretty much anything, so that might be worth a try?

naaah lol fuccck that.

il just go back to torrent crap instead, il try not to make all the poeple who have wrote on this cry to much though. xx

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Look for some Metalica, or ACDC. Don't think they have it, just tribute bands.

Thats probably because they're f**king mahoosive bands, both are under the same record label IIRC ? Maybe search for some more bands under that label ?l

*edit* Both are under Columbia and Elektra, who are really wanky labels for distribution (N)

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naaah lol fuccck that.

il just go back to torrent crap instead, il try not to make all the poeple who have wrote on this cry to much though. xx

Like i said in the other thread, what's wrong with torrents? Just read the comments to make sure it legit and you're good to go. :huh:

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Look you know how to use torrents, f**king use them if you want free music!

Unless you're a complete spanner, you'll never get a virus via a torrent which has music in it... Just look at the file names, .MP3, not .EXE

EDIT: Don't use iTunes, i think they only come in 192kbps, or they did when I last looked.

Edited by Muel
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The 79P that you pay from Itunes etc etc covers your right to play, and own the music. What you do is pay for the right to save it to your computer so that you own the music.

The free streaming sites like Spotify are not illegal, because you do not save the music. Your not "taking" the music, you're simply listening to it through somebody else. Much like hearing a track on the headphones of somebody sat next to you on the bus, you can listen to it but you can't save it.

When you download via lime-wire and other P2P (peer to peer) programs you are essential copying the music from somebody else who uses the programs hardrive, which amounts to theft on a small scale. Because you have not paid for the right to play the music, however I do believe if you have purchased the rights to the music in the past you are entitled to download it. Much like the ROM system works with Gameboy emulators and the like.

i dont give a shit lmao, i want free music, i dont intend to pay for something which is supily expensive. £7.90 for 10 songs of itunes... erm i think not. where like hannah says you can use rapid share and get whatever you want for free. i am 15 and i am not made of money so i dont pay for it. i am sure there is still the odd goody two shoes like you around too kep the music undustry going!!

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