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Magura's Feel Spongy !

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Just a bit of advice needed.

My magura's are set up and work perfect minus the fact that the front one won't seem to sit in the correct place and kinda pushes itself through this only happens on one side though it then becomes weaker than what it was.

they both work fine but i could do with a bit of help to eliminate the spongy feeling ???

Im thinking a rim grind or tar but dont know how or what to use to do it.

Edited by lewiswolsey2009
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couple of things that i hope will work for you, bleed, boosters, set them up so they couldnt be any better (may take a bit of time but its worth it) good pads with cnc'd backings this should really help. oh and try some new plastic washes that go around your slaves. hope ive helped

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the spongy feeling will most likely be air in the brake meaning they need a bleed.

as for the slipping it sounds like one of the washers around your slave cylinder has worn a bit thin causing the clamp not to pull tight to it an hold it in place properly or it could just need a bit of time spent setting it up.


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