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All Your Injuries!


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Never had a serious injury. The most painful I can remember was on my unicycle, I was riding off a wall and jumped, I think it was technically a pedal kick, but my feet slipped off when I was in the air. I sort of somehow partially forgot to put my feet back on the pedals, and basically fell about three foot straight onto my crown jewels on the seat. That was an uncomfortable moment :P that's all I have, I'm sure as time goes on I can provide more stories as could anyone :P

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A little while back my chain on my Phase 1.2 kept skipping between gears so I cycled down to my local bike store to get it fixed. On my way, after a down hill, my chain got stuck as I pushed hard to pedal, which flung my forward of the bars head first into the pavement...


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6 years ago I broke 4 front teeth, nose and lip when I had 17 years old with a mountain bike, the front wheel broke and my face finished in the soil.Now my teeth are of titanium and plastic. That was really sad for me because i was 2 years without front teeth...ugly ugly ugly....

I dont have pics sorry :P but i can say that my face was like a anus of elephant haha

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If not from riding, then what from?

I was trying a 50-50 grind on a skateboard about 6 years ago and snapped my left forearm (both bones?) clean in two. Was a delightfully clean break, unlike a spiral break the kid in the next bed had. It was exactly the same place, but his had fractured in a spiral fashion and he was in agony, mine was numb as an overdose :P kid in the next bed did his arm in from riding a bike...dangerous stuff, that bike riding malarky :P

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If not from riding, then what from?

From playing football lol Over stretched and instead of my muscle tearing it ripped a small part of my bine from my hip ! was the most painfull time of my life, all thought to everyone's suprise i was only out of action for 3 weeks (not the 12 weeks they said) So not all bad :)

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Well, not trials related but this is what I managed falling off my bmx in February this year:


1st day in hospital


A couple of days later


3 weeks of so later after my operation

Broke my nose, jaw, 2 cheek bones, the little ring in the back of my neck at the very tip of my spinal cord,

and then there was my forehead. Which I completely smashed to bits, (was the reason for the operation).

Hope you like :D

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Horndean - That is sick i first saw those pics in the helmet/nohelmet thread and it still makes me queasy seeing loads of staples stopping your face from falling off

Hehe :),

and no mate, they were just ..I don't know, a safety precaution that they took after the operation.

I had them out after about 4 days and then all I had, and still have now is a little bit of a raised pink scar going from ear to ear.

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How exactly did it happen?

Was at a skatpark (The big quarter pipe at Denmead to be specific).

Was simply practising my airs, managed to get 2 1/2 ft, which isn't bad for me.

Then suddenly I must of just lost all concentration because on the come down from the air, me and my bike just completely missed the landing.

I went straight off the side and nosedived ...well it must of been around 8ft, straight onto tarmac, and straight onto my face.


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Was at a skatpark (The big quarter pipe at Denmead to be specific).

Was simply practising my airs, managed to get 2 1/2 ft, which isn't bad for me.

Then suddenly I must of just lost all concentration because on the come down from the air, me and my bike just completely missed the landing.

I went straight off the side and nosedived ...well it must of been around 8ft, straight onto tarmac, and straight onto my face.


ouch, lol i hope i never crash/hurt myself that badly, the worst iv got are some dents in my shin from studded pedals.

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Well I've been relatively lucky in comparison to some of you guys! But the most memorable one for me was when I first started trials riding.

I was out on the street just getting used to pedal hopping (lurching) up and down curbs and across grids, just to get used to it. I was trying this one hop over a grid when my foot slipped off my pedal. The pedal spun round and stuck in my knee, clean through my trousers and left 4 deep puncture marks in my knee cap. I remember lying on the floor thinking I had shattered my knee cap with blood all down my leg, I could barely walk. Thankfully it wasn't and I was back riding the week after.

Not as bad as some other injuries on here, but I learnt my lesson not to ride in the wet again!! Haha!

I'le try to get some pictures up of the scars. Still got them 6-7 years on.

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Worst injuries:

Drop-gapping to this line on the floor and my chain snapped, and I lurched forwards and sideways and left a pink skid of skin on the floor when I came down.

Breaking (maybe) my toe by failing this gap that I'd done a few times before, and basically kicking it and it bending my toes all the way back.

Aaand, missing an up to front, somehow not going over the bars, and slamming my hands onto the ledge whilst the front brake lever bent on my shin, gouging out a canyon of skin and hair. I've got a wicked sick dent in my leg from that, it's proper obvious.

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right i had just been riding about a month and was just geting the hang ov drops and i had done this 2 and half/3foot drop 3-4 times before so i gets back wheel as i go to pedle kick off my chain snaped and i face planted the floor taking most ov the skin of the right side ov my face aswell as braking my arm and dislocating my coller bone the hospital thort i had broke my cheek bone and jaw because ov the amount ov swelling on the right side ov my face and i still have a lump on my forhead thas solid and this is 2 month on.

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right i had just been riding about a month and was just geting the hang ov drops and i had done this 2 and half/3foot drop 3-4 times before so i gets back wheel as i go to pedle kick off my chain snaped and i face planted the floor taking most ov the skin of the right side ov my face aswell as braking my arm and dislocating my coller bone the hospital thort i had broke my cheek bone and jaw because ov the amount ov swelling on the right side ov my face and i still have a lump on my forhead thas solid and this is 2 month on.

It's a mighty fine job you didn't damage your lungs! You'd never have been able to do that entire sentance in just one breath otherwise...

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Oh, and I also got 2 titanium plates put into my forehead preventing it from cracking open again

EDIT: And blocking the path-way there was to my brain preventing me from getting meningitus.


Edited by Horndean Trials
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