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hey, im looking for a first time trials bike, i am a street BMX rider with some neat move's up my sleave :lol: i am wondering weather to get a Diamonback Tkeiya 2008 (http://www.ashcycles.com/power/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1341) which is 26" or a Onza Rip 20" bike (http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10620&category_id=10). i am 15 average height and am wondering if the 20" is to small for me to do street on? but the 26" is maby to big? i really have no idea :) and am looking for advice.


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hey, im looking for a first time trials bike, i am a street BMX rider with some neat move's up my sleave :lol: i am wondering weather to get a Diamonback Tkeiya 2008 (http://www.ashcycles.com/power/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1341) which is 26" or a Onza Rip 20" bike (http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10620&category_id=10). i am 15 average height and am wondering if the 20" is to small for me to do street on? but the 26" is maby to big? i really have no idea :) and am looking for advice.


Most people start riding mod would recommend getting the rip over the tekiya as my friend has one and i don't really like it it doesn't feel that nice i don't think so i would choose the rip have a ride on a mod and a stock see which you prefer the feel of that could help.

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hey, im looking for a first time trials bike, i am a street BMX rider with some neat move's up my sleave :lol: i am wondering weather to get a Diamonback Tkeiya 2008 (http://www.ashcycles.com/power/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1341) which is 26" or a Onza Rip 20" bike (http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10620&category_id=10). i am 15 average height and am wondering if the 20" is to small for me to do street on? but the 26" is maby to big? i really have no idea :) and am looking for advice.


I have a feeling that if you ride bmx at the moment you will be more inclined to ride a 20" like a bmx- which in my opinion is the worst thing EVER!

I would look into a 26" if your 15, you will grow more and you already have some strength in them arms from riding BMX. Riding 26" trials and riding a BMX is a great combo!

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Thanks, but i really dislike the "stems" on mods, they stick out too far and i feel riding 20" wheels would look a lil silly i think :lol: well thanks for the advice. Oh and also do you know of any bike shops that display trials? (in the kent area)


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Most people start riding mod would recommend getting the rip over the tekiya as my friend has one and i don't really like it it doesn't feel that nice i don't think so i would choose the rip have a ride on a mod and a stock see which you prefer the feel of that could help.

fullstops and comma's please.. :blink:

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fullstops and comma's please.. :blink:

It would have been more helpful if you could have contributed something :S, oh and capital letters please "fullstops and comma's" should be Fullstops.

edit: My bad! sorry! I didin't see you had posted a good peace of feedback! I retract my statement!

Edited by sinner
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It would have been more helpful if you could have contributed something :S, oh and capital letters please "fullstops and comma's" should be Fullstops.

Look three post's up....oh im validated so i can rite wateva i wont.

Look three post's up....oh im validated so i can rite wateva i wont.

I retract my sarcam.

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I'm in Kent from time to time, so if you want to ride im sure we can arrange something..... i started on stock, although id advice you start on a mod in all honesty.

Thanks for the offer but depends where 'bouts you vist in kent :lol: if its anywhere near Bromley/Sevenoaks that would be great!

Edit: we could do a half way meet? if thats easier for you.

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As you say you have some 'neat' bmx tricks up your sleave,

then start with a mod mate. Get the Rip, it's a decent starter bike and

i'm sure after a month or so you'll feel pretty comfortable on it.

But the main reason I say get the Rip, is because the Tekiya ..

well it's made by Diamondback my friend. They probably weigh twice as much as your bmx,

and the length of them is extremely long! You would have to be at least 6' 5" to ride it comfortably :giggle:

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But the main reason I say get the Rip, is because the Tekiya ..

well it's made by Diamondback my friend. They probably weigh twice as much as your bmx,

and the length of them is extremely long! You would have to be at least 6' 5" to ride it comfortably :giggle:

:lol: this is the soul reason i made this thread :), to find out the best option and i already had a feeling the Diamondback would be the second choice :giggle: because Diamondback don't have a good reputation for BMX aswell :) Thanks for your input!

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