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Rich Pearson Phase Video 6

Rich Pearson

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Oh my f**king god.

Finally, reminded me so much of your street training video's. :D

St Pauls full on nailed !

Tried Bristol drop gap :S Mad man.

Best video since your street training one's......If not better than your street training video's :o

Like i said, full on amazing, loved it.

Keep it up :D

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didn't really like it

I m amazed at how big some of those moves are but I though the vid was a bit boring

big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, etc...

I ve seen some lines in your previous vids, in my opinion it was far more impressive and interesting when you were combining some of your big moves in a cool line.

editing was really good though

as I say, you re an incredible rider with bunch of skillz and balls

just not the kind of vid I prefer( seems I m the only one here :giggle: )

keep it up

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It is really hard to make a trials vid with lines exciting chimp.

Hop hop, stop, turn, hop hop, turn, stop....Get my drift.

Rich's style doesnt lend its self to BMXy type stuff, which usually makes a video with lines more exiting.

I suppose its down to to the edit.

I know, lines sometimes doesn't look flowy

but it's still better than big move to big move to big move

but let's be honest, Rich is good enough to make lines looks more than interesting

I guess what is hard is to find spots with a good potential of lines

as I say, it's just my opinion... he makes vid the way he wants in the end of the day :)

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Now that's a beast video there Rich your skills gone so high i can bealive it you have gone so big with those gaps and sides oww and the sides you have changed your style of sidehop now is super beasty... cheers for the great video !

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Sick rich. Bristol drop gap are you going to try it again?

Me and Mike both gave it a try and, well, we both had pretty similar results :P Although I wouldn't be surprised if next time we we're there we'd both give it another go :)

Sick video. How did you manage to get sponsored by Land Rover though? Kinda random, but intense.

Land Rover is the primary sponsor of the MAD team for 2009, supporting us with not only vehicles to base our rigs around (we were given a Discovery 3 HSE and a Defender, both brand new at the beginning of this year) but Land Rover also bankrolls 2x2, the distribution company with produces Land Rover MTB's and the Phase brand/range.

didn't really like it

I m amazed at how big some of those moves are but I though the vid was a bit boring

big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, big move, etc...

I ve seen some lines in your previous vids, in my opinion it was far more impressive and interesting when you were combining some of your big moves in a cool line.

editing was really good though

as I say, you re an incredible rider with bunch of skillz and balls

just not the kind of vid I prefer( seems I m the only one here :giggle: )

keep it up

I know exactly what you mean dude, I was thinking myself when watching it back that it could have been more creative, but I was really just enjoying pushing myself and, I'll admit, scaring myself a little, that the vid just ended up being one move after another. Phase 7 should be a fairly different as I'm due a new bike soon which should have a rather different setup to my last. Watch this space :)

Thanks very much for everyone's comments, glad people seem to like it :)


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I know exactly what you mean dude, I was thinking myself when watching it back that it could have been more creative, but I was really just enjoying pushing myself and, I'll admit, scaring myself a little, that the vid just ended up being one move after another. Phase 7 should be a fairly different as I'm due a new bike soon which should have a rather different setup to my last. Watch this space :)

can't wait for your next vid (Y)

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