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My Lovely Pashley


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Yippee,i've just been validated.Here's a couple of pics of my Pashley 26 mgz.If you ride one of these checkout the cunning brake booster under the seat stays.It's much stiffer than a booster on top.I haven't put the spec down because it changes quite often.(It has had a different set of bars since these photos were taken)Does anyone know anything about the forks ? It says INSANE down the legs but i've never seen them before.I have seen gusset and on-one forks that are similar but I don't know anything about them so if anyone knows i'd love to find out.Cheers.



Edited by idlehans
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Booster idea is pritty swish but its been done before :P .

Also id change the forks, they dont suit the bike at all get a set of curve blades on there.

Cheers ,I thought someone probably would have.It did seem like the obvious place to put it.And i've got a nice pair echo forks to go on there.Onwards and upwards...

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Also id change the forks, they dont suit the bike at all get a set of curve blades on there.

it suits the geo though...

bikes looking fresh nick mate, glad your validated now.

look forward to seeing you sunday morning. ill text you tonight for a chat about it.

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Technically it should be the same as there'd be half the amount of fluid going to each caliper, but twice the amount of calipers. So it wouldn't really be worth doing it.

But I really don't know, that sounds logical but is probably wrong. There's only 1 way to find out, get off your arse and try it..

those forks usewd to be sold at my old lbs....theyre like gussetts with less rake forwards and less offset on the legs.

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