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Has Any One Been Skydiving


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Get out.

Go for it, it's something I was looking at doing last year (I'd still like to do it but it's pretty low on my list of priorities...). Everyone I know who has done it has said it's amazing. After the initial training has been done it looks like reasonably good value too (Y)

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Not personaly but my uncle has done around 300 i belive he broke his fib and tib in one fall a few months back and has still booked anougher its not the first time he broken somthing doing it ether apparntly its such a rush and an ammazing feeling he's happy to break stuff left right and center for the thrill! MENTALIST lol.

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A quick look on google found these:



The nearest centre to you would be Netheravon which is not far from Salisbury and Andover. Its going to cost you £200-£300. If you want photos or video of you jumping its going to cost you even more.

The location doesn't matter, your jumping out of a plane and the first time you wont be taking in the views! My first tandem jump was on a cloudy day landing on a beach in Australia, it was crazy, I nearly passed out and I was buzzing from it for hours! My second tandem was on a clear day in New Zealand and it was also crazy but because I knew what to expect I felt more relaxed and enjoyed the experience much more!

If I had lots of money I think it could be a very addictive hobby!

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Whats the initial jumping out of a plane feeling like?

When you first leave the plane everything kinda goes slow motion but then before you know it you have reached terminal velocity and your free falling at around 120mph. The sensation of leaving the plane and accelerating so quickly is hard to describe! The easiest answer is:


The parachuting for me was the worst bit, I used to get really bad travel sickness and I still get sick on boats out on rough seas so the first time I got really disorientated when the guy started spiralling us around and bringing us in to land. I felt like utter shit and nearly passed out then when we made it to the ground I was as white as a ghost haha. I hadn't eaten any breakfast that day so I have a feeling that had something to do with it all. The second jump I had eaten properly and knew what to expect, warned the guy I was jumping with what happened the first time I jumped and the whole parachuting experience was much nicer.

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ive always wanted to try it but too pussy to lol bet its well nerveracking
Do a tandem jump.

You are strapped to someone who has been trained, has completed hundreds if not thousands of jumps and does it for a living, the equipment is good and you have a reserve chute, what could go wrong? :lol:

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Do a tandem jump.

You are strapped to someone who has been trained, has completed hundreds if not thousands of jumps and does it for a living, the equipment is good and you have a reserve chute, what could go wrong? :lol:

Exactly. The reserve is even hooked up to an automatic system so (in the words of the guy I jumped with) worst case scenario if both of his arms fell off when we jumped out the plane, the reserve would still open at a certain, predetermined height. Safe. As. Houses.

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Skydiving related, on Saturday the aforementioned uncles chute f**ked up at about 2000 feet after he did a reverse turn by accident which caused him to rotate at 160mph whilst falling. Luckily he stayed calm, cut away and popped his reserve out at 1700 feet, which is very low to allow the chute to fully deploy.

He's still alive though, landed safely etc.

Just goes to show that even if something does go wrong, its a simple cut, then a pull, and safely floating again.

Edited by Adam L
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