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Rear Magura Hs33.


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Ive looked on other threads but can't find anything. The rear slave cylinders on their limit of how far they can be pushed in towards the rim and they are only just right. I ride for ten minutes then have to set them up again. WTF? It's shit, why offset the mounts so wide. Any ideas to stop them moving? I fitted a brake booster and it made it even worse so i have taken that off. My 6 year old t pro didn't have those problems. I'm getting fed up of moving them all the time. This bike would be awesome if it wasn't for the brakes.

Hope someone can help.


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Nah it's all brand new mate. It's almost like all the metal isn't holding against each other. It's the fact that the plastic olive/washer isn't sat on the lines in the cylinder. They are pushed in so far it's on the smooth bit.

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Nah it's all brand new mate. It's almost like all the metal isn't holding against each other. It's the fact that the plastic olive/washer isn't sat on the lines in the cylinder. They are pushed in so far it's on the smooth bit.

Thats it mate. Wat do you mean by offset? You means these? http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=74

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