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Cheaper To Buy A Full Stock Bike? Or Build One?


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I have just started trials and wondering if its best to build one or buy a complete stock bike.

i know someone which could help me build it so no issues there.

jus wanting to save money and know which is best


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Alright there well i would also personally go for a custom build. yes it can be the more expensive option but then you can build it up and have it looking how you want it to with the parts and brands you choose. Plus building a custom bike you also get to learn how to put things together and its always nice to stand back and look at sumthing you have built form scacth. though i would say most complete bikes you can buy over £500 would be fine.under this price the spec will just be cheper meaning brakes and wheels...... If your fairey new to trials i would'nt spend to much on your first bike anyway it will get damaged while you are learning that is upto though you realy hpoe this hepls you out a little. Happy spending.........

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ill be building up a bike for my self (first time ive done this and my first modern trials bike. its 2009, not 1998 like my old one) and ill be spending about 700 USD after shipping where if i went to the local trials bike shop (webcyclery) id be spending about twice that for a similar build. the deals are there, just gotta look for them. (Y)

its gonna be nice to be able to ride my own work and its gonna be a visual work of art. i think ill be much happier riding it and prouder to ride it then my factory built monty.

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