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He already has a few times, haha. Did you not see the 'maths' before? Using lb's (Apparently 21.5lbs for a bike) and kg's (Apparently 70kg for a man) in an equation you're making up yourself seems a pretty tech way of going about business...

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Ahh yer, but i'm talking like, the kind of heroic lie like that website would have been that will mean he can't possibly dispute the fact that everything that comes out of his mouth smells like poo in a field.

Edit: Whooaaa, too many 'that's haha.

Edited by Max Quinn
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im starting to consider re-naming this thread something along the lines of.....

!) the joshlyd1 abuse thread

2) the joshlyd1 making up bullshit n gettin shot to pieces for it thread

3) im joshlyd1 and i make up a whole lot of shit and get a whole lot of shit back for making up a whole lot of shit which makes me look shit stupid....thread!

i personally like thread choice 3

any suggestions welcome!

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Going back to the original question, if you launched off the ramp with some forward momentum as well as upward, and opened the chute fairly early, you may find that your forwards movement would open the chute without loosing any height in the process, meaning you wouldn't need to achieve quite such a mental height.

Also, lol at joshlyd1's posts particularly the 'maths'

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Going back to the original question, if you launched off the ramp with some forward momentum as well as upward, and opened the chute fairly early, you may find that your forwards movement would open the chute without loosing any height in the process, meaning you wouldn't need to achieve quite such a mental height.

Also, lol at joshlyd1's posts particularly the 'maths'

Yeah I was gonna mention this yesterday but tf wouldn't let me post, there are parachutes that can open in under 60 meters (As low as 30-40 meters with an ok chance of working) designed for aircraft like hang gliders that generally fly at low altitude, so with enough forward speed as well as a bit of height it would work. Though it'd be a pretty shit stunt really.

On a parachute related note, i'll never forget watching someone do a cheesy dance to some 80's disco music while wearing a parachute, then as the grand finale they decided to pull the handle... :lol:

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