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Tow in at 75 mph and a ramp degree of 63.68 degrees in the middle and 84 degrees at the top with a 30ft length should be big enough to get at least 50ft + of air , using the parachute should be fine at about 30ft so it might be possible

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Tow in at 75 mph and a ramp degree of 63.68 degrees in the middle and 84 degrees at the top with a 30ft length should be big enough to get at least 50ft + of air , using the parachute should be fine at about 30ft so it might be possible

shizzle!...are you a maths genius or did you make up alot of numbers to sound clever? either way im impressed lol

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What are you assuming the bike + rider's weight is, suspension hardness is, etc.? There's a shit-tonne of variables that I doubt you'd be able to just conjure up a figure.

Either way, if after all that faffing around you're only getting 50ft of air, that's no more than Hoffman, Kevin Robinson & Co. are getting nowadays on BMXs anyway?

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ps . you dont want to know the sums

No, I do because I think your full of shit.

Tow in at 75 mph and a ramp degree of 63.68 degrees in the middle and 84 degrees at the top with a 30ft length should be big enough to get at least 50ft + of air , using the parachute should be fine at about 30ft so it might be possible

Just quoting this now for future reference....

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They get a shitload more than "9-10ft" out of a 14ft ramp. They generally get at least the height of the ramp out of the ramp itself, so for the majority of comps they're going to be getting about 16-18ft of air.

To put it into perspective, at the last X-Games, Kevin Robinson did a no-handed flair that was 18.8ft above the deck of a 25ft ramp. That's 43.8ft off the floor, and that's upside down, no-handed.

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lowest base jump recorded is 71ft and he was attached to the tower so as soon as he jumped the parachute was pulled open....still hit the ground pretty hard. so all in all id say the stuntman would need to be atleast 100ft high to account for gaining speed to make the chute open.

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No it wouldnt work

i tried a stunt like this ages ago wen i was a bit mad lol

i found a huge hill and made 2 dirt jumps 45 ft apart then i did it on a mountain board landed perfect then hit a tree and bruised all my ribs and my jaw it was a bit stupid

Also i spotted a huge downhill country road with like 25% hills , so i took the challenge..

i built a go cart out of wood , had custom steel axels made , you turn with your feet and screwed a plastic bit off a school chair to it , put wheelbaro wheels on it and raced it down with about 50 psi over the max in each tyre

i went down , i was accelerating way too much and i had noo brakes and just a dh helmet on , i was overtaking cars slowing down for the hills the as i was hitting the last hill i got down ( my eyes were watering and i was getting speed shakes and wiggles )

Then i noticed hay above a bush ( ahhh ) i hit a blind corner as if it was a track

hit a pebble and flipped over ( slided on my head for 50+ft went throught a fence into a garden..


ur full of shit

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You can have special one offs made eg on a stunt show i watched ages ago they used compressed air to inflate the parachute but you can use Co2 gas to fire the parachute out but it would still be very hard to make it safe and structured so it would be capeable of taking the Gs and the risk of a fall at 75mph would definatly cause death and with compressed gas attached , You would just be a moving bomb waiting to explode .

as i said MIGHT be possible

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You can have special one offs made eg on a stunt show i watched ages ago they used compressed air to inflate the parachute but you can use Co2 gas to fire the parachute out but it would still be very hard to make it safe and structured so it would be capeable of taking the Gs and the risk of a fall at 75mph would definatly cause death and with compressed gas attached , You would just be a moving bomb waiting to explode .

as i said MIGHT be possible

You don't need 75mph to get 50ft of air, just sayin'.

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Whos pete wright ?

No if you are under the maximum weight of the parachute you could be ok , also you could ditch the canister when deploying the chute

This is why they made jet packs .

no tow in needed and then you would be able to deploy a parachute

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No it wouldnt work

i tried a stunt like this ages ago wen i was a bit mad lol

i found a huge hill and made 2 dirt jumps 45 ft apart then i did it on a mountain board landed perfect then hit a tree and bruised all my ribs and my jaw it was a bit stupid

Also i spotted a huge downhill country road with like 25% hills , so i took the challenge..

i built a go cart out of wood , had custom steel axels made , you turn with your feet and screwed a plastic bit off a school chair to it , put wheelbaro wheels on it and raced it down with about 50 psi over the max in each tyre

i went down , i was accelerating way too much and i had noo brakes and just a dh helmet on , i was overtaking cars slowing down for the hills the as i was hitting the last hill i got down ( my eyes were watering and i was getting speed shakes and wiggles )

Then i noticed hay above a bush ( ahhh ) i hit a blind corner as if it was a track

hit a pebble and flipped over ( slided on my head for 50+ft went throught a fence into a garden..

Wow, you're right, what you did is almost the same as riding a motorbike off a quarter pipe and parachuting back to earth. Thanks for clearing up whether it's possible or not. (Y)

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