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i know this is totally random and probably not worth the effort of typing but ive thought about a stunt for ages now and always wondered if it is possible. i don't think it would be but i want to see what you guys think. (i'm not planning on doing this stunt by the way)

basically its simply whether a stuntman could construct a ramp (that is vertical at the top or near to it i presume) and then ride a motorbike up it and get enough air off it to ditch the motorbike and open a parachute and float back to earth.

i'm not sure whether it would work because of the g-forces on the body as it changes direction so quickly when entering the ramp, at what im guessing is quite a speed! (as the ramp needs to be quite short with a quite steep incline rather than a long ramp working up to vertical as the rider would lose speed?)...i know im over thinking this, lol. Another reason is simply if the person could get enough height to fully open a chute and land safely. what's the lowest height you can base jump from? (obviously not the type where your holding your chute)

anyway ye.....would it work? and anyone else ever thought of any cool stunts they haven't seen attempted?

edit: i mean for the stunt to be performed on one level....so landing back on to the same level as you start your run off from

Edited by arw_86
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i know this is totally random and probably not worth the effort of typing but ive thought about a stunt for ages now and always wondered if it is possible. i don't think it would be but i want to see what you guys think. (i'm not planning on doing this stunt by the way)

basically its simply whether a stuntman could construct a ramp (that is vertical at the top or near to it i presume) and then ride a motorbike up it and get enough air off it to ditch the motorbike and open a parachute and float back to earth.

i'm not sure whether it would work because of the g-forces on the body as it changes direction so quickly when entering the ramp, at what im guessing is quite a speed! (as the ramp needs to be quite short with a quite steep incline rather than a long ramp working up to vertical as the rider would lose speed?)...i know im over thinking this, lol. Another reason is simply if the person could get enough height to fully open a chute and land safely. what's the lowest height you can base jump from? (obviously not the type where your holding your chute)

anyway ye.....would it work? and anyone else ever thought of any cool stunts they haven't seen attempted?

Matt Hoffman did it.

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No it wouldnt work

i tried a stunt like this ages ago wen i was a bit mad lol

i found a huge hill and made 2 dirt jumps 45 ft apart then i did it on a mountain board landed perfect then hit a tree and bruised all my ribs and my jaw it was a bit stupid

Also i spotted a huge downhill country road with like 25% hills , so i took the challenge..

i built a go cart out of wood , had custom steel axels made , you turn with your feet and screwed a plastic bit off a school chair to it , put wheelbaro wheels on it and raced it down with about 50 psi over the max in each tyre

i went down , i was accelerating way too much and i had noo brakes and just a dh helmet on , i was overtaking cars slowing down for the hills the as i was hitting the last hill i got down ( my eyes were watering and i was getting speed shakes and wiggles )

Then i noticed hay above a bush ( ahhh ) i hit a blind corner as if it was a track

hit a pebble and flipped over ( slided on my head for 50+ft went throught a fence into a garden..

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poop, had a feeling someone would say someone's already done it. got a link for it? i wanna see! and i presume he didnt do it on a bmx lol

It was on a BMX, and there's no web footage of it. It was a good few years ago...

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how i mean for it to happen is.....lets for example say its taking place on a runway. so u hoof it down the runway up the ramp into the air, open the chute and land back onto the same runway....so the same level as you start from. i dont mean off a ramp into a ravine or off a cliff...course thats possible.

n im sorry mate but your telling me matt hoffman got enough height off a ramp on a bmx to open a chute? i have a feeling he was off a cliff doing this?

sorry for confusion

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how i mean for it to happen is.....lets for example say its taking place on a runway. so u hoof it down the runway up the ramp into the air, open the chute and land back onto the same runway....so the same level as you start from. i dont mean off a ramp into a ravine or off a cliff...course thats possible.

n im sorry mate but your telling me matt hoffman got enough height off a ramp on a bmx to open a chute? i have a feeling he was off a cliff doing this?

sorry for confusion

Ah, I getcha. Yeah, he rode off a cliff...

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Arw_86 where abouts are you in solihull

have i ridden with you before ?


im from hillfield near monkspath. my names adam, but everyone calls me pill. whats your name? im not sure if i have ridden with you. ive quit now, i sold my leeson 609 to owen (dont know if you know him) i rode with owen a few times. i mainly used to ride with a lad called mark paterson and dave walters.

i might get back into trials one day though, i miss it. so ill contact u if i do. (Y)

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Oh thats where owen got it from

I used to ride with owen all the time but now hes selling that 609 and keeping his recently brought bmx so i kind of dont see him much now

I ride a black 05 python

Yeh man you should get back into it theres loads of new n00bs around west midlands now

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The BMX height record for airing a quarter (Whilst being towed in) was about 26.5ft out of a 25ft ramp, which is nowhere near high enough to release a 'chute (You'd need 10 times that height), according to a quick bit of Wiki research...

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The BMX height record for airing a quarter (Whilst being towed in) was about 26.5ft out of a 25ft ramp, which is nowhere near high enough to release a 'chute (You'd need 10 times that height), according to a quick bit of Wiki research...

true but i was thinking more along the lines of a like a hayabusa or a rx1000 lol. go like well over 100mph up the ramp. but the change of direction in the split seconds between horizontal and vertical must be an immense amount of g's that would make you possibly fall off the bike

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