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Have All The Big Riders Quit ?

gu trials

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It all depends how much you tuck while doing it.

guess so, i cant tuck ive got wooden legs :(

on a serious note though, most of the good riders still ride just have other commitments than riding i guess.

Best riders are french though...

Edited by Mike W
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You can just document someone's riding and make a video that way. I know everyone seems to love filming the exact same move from 3 different angles, but if you just get someone who knows how to use a videocamera, they can get one good angle, then just film you from one angle doing the move you'd be doing anyway? It's not really a hardship, and I find if I'm being filmed I'm more likely to push myself. Just don't do the usual trials thing of triple-angling shit - it's fully not needed, and is a large part of the reason most trials videos are shite.



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and now i realise WHY trials doesnt interest me half as much........come to look for some 2nd hand parts and read topics like @have all the big riders quit.......just to read absolute bollox.......

there is bigger and better things out there......and half of the problem is, people spend way too much time on thier computers TALKIN' bout it and not DOIN' it.

My job limits me to riding trials and also my football interest........as i found that trials got a bit too sensitive and very political, and all i wanted to do was ride my bike for fun, so instead, i go play football then go get PISSED and have a good laugh with my mates. the only part of trials i miss, is been around people that i made really good friends with, but i catch up with them every now and again.

Dave had a fair point and people just close you down over petty shite, at the end of the day THIS IS THE INTERNET its full of opinions and alot of you will NEVER EVER agree, so do yourself a favor, AGREE to DISAGREE........

Wayne :)

i demised the day that jack carthy started using TF........sorry for the rant, suppose old age and scroogism gets to us all some day :) i still ride my bike for FUN and prob like CLS enjoy it more that way.

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and now i realise WHY trials doesnt interest me half as much........come to look for some 2nd hand parts and read topics like @have all the big riders quit.......just to read absolute bollox.......

there is bigger and better things out there......and half of the problem is, people spend way too much time on thier computers TALKIN' bout it and not DOIN' it.

I agree totally ^^^^

Also, I think trials has lost its novalty. I remember when I saw a trials rider/s in my local town and we would stop and chat and ride. NOW I find riders very arrogant and up their own arses, they just ride past like a commuter. I find that they cant ride very well anyway and they might actually learn how to ride a trials bike 'properly' if they rode with someone like me instead of using their bikes like pogo-sticks!!!!

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and now i realise WHY trials doesnt interest me half as much........come to look for some 2nd hand parts and read topics like @have all the big riders quit.......just to read absolute bollox.......

there is bigger and better things out there......and half of the problem is, people spend way too much time on thier computers TALKIN' bout it and not DOIN' it.

My job limits me to riding trials and also my football interest........as i found that trials got a bit too sensitive and very political, and all i wanted to do was ride my bike for fun, so instead, i go play football then go get PISSED and have a good laugh with my mates. the only part of trials i miss, is been around people that i made really good friends with, but i catch up with them every now and again.

Dave had a fair point and people just close you down over petty shite, at the end of the day THIS IS THE INTERNET its full of opinions and alot of you will NEVER EVER agree, so do yourself a favor, AGREE to DISAGREE........

Wayne :)

i demised the day that jack carthy started using TF........sorry for the rant, suppose old age and scroogism gets to us all some day :) i still ride my bike for FUN and prob like CLS enjoy it more that way.

I understand your point.. but are you really going to get yourself down by some people on the internet..

Ignore everyone else and do what you want to do.

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