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Onza Dropouts,


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RIGHT, before I get any shit for this, im not trying to put people off onza as I ride one and think its the best frame in the world however!

There is a problem with the frames, and imo onza have f**ked them selves in the arse!

There idea of the dropouts/tentioners is all well and good however they crack! where the stey hits the dropout!

so I was then led to beleive it was my fault for my frame to crack as id not heard of anyothers cracking, so I just got on with it, then I heard danny swindles ice went in the same place, so I then just guessed maybe its just the ices, then today ive seen carthys triad proto, and limey20" has also cracked. so had a look on the onza website.

all the pro series have these dropputs even the stock, so if there all going to crack in this area, what can they do about it?

Edited by Seabasss
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Do you mean the drop out that has sold over a thousand and you have named 3 that have "broken". Jack broke his disc mount any way not the drop out. Swindlehurst never told me he had broken his Ice. He said he wanted a change. You broke yours because you mis judged a side hop like a 500 times. And you still are the only person I know to break one.

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  Joe@Onza said:
Do you mean the drop out that has sold over a thousand and you have named 3 that have "broken". Jack broke his disc mount any way not the drop out. Swindlehurst never told me he had broken his Ice. He said he wanted a change. You broke yours because you mis judged a side hop like a 500 times. And you still are the only person I know to break one.

It's cracked on the other side aswell, so its obviously not been mis judged 500 times because the chainstays arn't even that bad, i know why it has cracked at the dropouts but it's not for me to say, but I just know that your wrong.

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  Mat Smith!! said:
It's cracked on the other side aswell, so its obviously not been mis judged 500 times because the chainstays arn't even that bad, i know why it has cracked at the dropouts but it's not for me to say, but I just know that your wrong.

The chain stay I saw was hammered.


Edited by Joe@Onza
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  Mat Smith!! said:
But its cracked on both dropouts? he only goes one way, and theres a difference between a used chainstay and a hammerd one.

Maybe it cracking on the chain stay he sides to put stress on the other chain stay....causing that one to crack? Just a suggestion, and i am not taken anyones side.

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  Joe@Onza said:
Do you mean the drop out that has sold over a thousand and you have named 3 that have "broken". Jack broke his disc mount any way not the drop out. Swindlehurst never told me he had broken his Ice. He said he wanted a change. You broke yours because you mis judged a side hop like a 500 times. And you still are the only person I know to break one.

jacks a really smooth rider, so dont take the bashing side of it, my frame is scratched, you can crack a drop out from more than mis judging a sidehop so dont blame a move on why its cracked.. .

carthys had cracked in two places then nice to know,

his frame has not one scratch on it, but yet its got a crack in the stey (Y).

im not having a go at this, I love my frame however youve gotta be thinking if this problem still gose on, the lovery 1000! frames youve sold 700 of them might die!

there dosent seem to be anywhere else on the frame it could go, so maybe strenthen up the steys in the future?

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Im not being a willy or anything, onza atm are the best frames on tarty imo! and could with a slight modification be the strongest and mose reliable frame on there aswell

but if no one says anything like this most likely would just never get anythink done. it is a problem imo that they are, as if jacks gone threw one being as smooth as he is, theres gunna be allsorts of people go threw them, I have yeah i miss a few sidehops over half of the people whos got a onza are gunna do the same!!!!! and as far as i know im one of the smoother ones :P.

Im not having a dig at onza them selves joes given me a great service and seems really nice :)

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Like said this is only happened to 3 people so far 2 of which are onza riders and one is riding a proto. if carthy was using a disc im not suprised then as alot of stress goes through the dropout. and the other person is a well known tgs rider who doesn't sidehop curbs so it hardly suprising that this happened. your stay also looks fairly twated, they are deep scratchs so obviously youve landed hard. onza are one of the best companies for warrenty so if there saying no to a replacement im pritty sure no other company would have done it either then. you can get half price replacement though can't you? how long have you had it

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  basher said:
Like said this is only happened to 3 people so far 2 of which are onza riders and one is riding a proto. if carthy was using a disc im not suprised then as alot of stress goes through the dropout. and the other person is a well known tgs rider who doesn't sidehop curbs so it hardly suprising that this happened. your stay also looks fairly twated, they are deep scratchs so obviously youve landed hard. onza are one of the best companies for warrenty so if there saying no to a replacement im pritty sure no other company would have done it either then. you can get half price replacement though can't you? how long have you had it

I have got a replacement ice from joe im not that botherd about that, the onzas have only been out for a good few months now, maybe my posts a little too early.

however in 5 months time, I hardly think its going to be me whos in the wrong!

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  Seabasss said:
I have got a replacement ice from joe im not that botherd about that, the onzas have only been out for a good few months now, maybe my posts a little too early.

however in 5 months time, I hardly think its going to be me whos in the wrong!

did they replace the frame then? or was it half price replacement?

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  basher said:
did they replace the frame then? or was it half price replacement?

half price, but thats not my point. cba with this now, your not seeing what it is im saying, its nothing to do with the warrenty they give you. yeah its to do with the riding, however most bikers dont exactly not use there bikes, theres room for improvement imo and this is a weak point in the frame imo so why not just take it and think how you could maybe change this.

ok question, would my frame of snapped then if i dident have these dropouts and off set steys(just standerd dropouts with snailcams? id bet a pound to a peice of jizz id be still riding it hard as id like whey after my warrenty your so botherd about :/

thats me in this topic now, all the above my point rape me as you like but as i said give it 5 months and ill be the one smiling, unless they fuiger a way of maybe improving the frame.

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you can't make this asumption yet that they are as bigger weak point as your making out till this happens to a vast amount of people. onza are in no way going to throw away money at the moment by redesigning the frame which would mean they would have to make a proto, test it and then pay for the tooling to be changed or more made. if say only 2% of the frames made this happens to then in a companies eyes thats a loss worth taking. at the moment its only 0.3% if three have only gone one of which was a proto.

hope redesigned there hub shells due to them cracking, a friend still managed to crack the new design but he is one of a very! small group that have and because of this hope arn't going to that warrent another redesign. its the same case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... When I first read this topic a few days ago I thought it must just be a coincidence it happened to 3 people.

However, tonight my friend noticed a big crack in my Ice at the exact same place! On the dropout where the stey meets it.

Now, this one is not from sidehopping as it's not even the side I sidehop to and the chainstay on that side is almost immaculate.

I will post pics in a thread and link it on this post in a few minutes.

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  hdmackay said:
Well... When I first read this topic a few days ago I thought it must just be a coincidence it happened to 3 people.

However, tonight my friend noticed a big crack in my Ice at the exact same place! On the dropout where the stey meets it.

Now, this one is not from sidehopping as it's not even the side I sidehop to and the chainstay on that side is almost immaculate.

I will post pics in a thread and link it on this post in a few minutes.

ross by any chance ? :lol:

you can be quite rough though but you havnt even had the frame that long i hardly think you could snap/crack a frame that quickly if it wasnt a manufacturing fault.

or do i underestimate you? :lol:

i realy want the limey 320 when it comes out but this is quite off putting :(

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I realise a topic like this was made a few days ago about the new Onza's cracking and I didn't think much of it.

until tonight that I realised mine has cracked at the exact same place. And it's quite a big crack.

Apparently 3 Ice's now have gone at the same place and now mine has too. Where the chainstays meet the dropouts.

On Seabass's, people thought it was from his sidehops because his chainstay was farely hammered.

However mine has cracked on the other side that I sidehop too and the chainstay on that side is almost perfect condition.

Now don't think for a minute that I'm having a go at Onza because I'm not. I love their frames and It's the nicest riding frame I've ever been on but I think this is something that should be improved for the next lot.



And this photo is to prove that it's not from sidehopping and so yous can all see that this side the chainstay is in near perfect condition.


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  guuuuuuuuu leeeeeeeee said:
ross by any chance ? :lol:

you can be quite rough though but you havnt even had the frame that long i hardly think you could snap/crack a frame that quickly if it wasnt a manufacturing fault.

or do i underestimate you? :lol:

i realy want the limey 320 when it comes out but this is quite off putting :(

Yeah it was Ross. Haha

And yeah. It must be. It can't be that much of a coincidence that 4 Ice's go at the exact same place in like... 3 months...


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  hdmackay said:
Well... When I first read this topic a few days ago I thought it must just be a coincidence it happened to 3 people.

However, tonight my friend noticed a big crack in my Ice at the exact same place! On the dropout where the stey meets it.

Now, this one is not from sidehopping as it's not even the side I sidehop to and the chainstay on that side is almost immaculate.

I will post pics in a thread and link it on this post in a few minutes.

Well gutting hunter :( your bike is so nice aswel shame really. Could of guessed trialstar/pedo ross spotted it, only thing he is good for.

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