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Bunny Hopping Up !

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  Matt Vandart said:
It's harder on a trials bike than other bikes especially mods, thats my opinion anyway.

Use a speed bump as Ryan Leech shows, it really helps to learn.

Don't try and go too high too soon just get the rythm of the move going first.


I ride a mod :) and i shall give it a go :) thanks for your help !

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It's hard on trials bike to get the front wheel to come up, but when you get the hang of it you can fly up stuff.

When you get used to it, try and find a wall that increases in size, so you can practise it. I'd advise learning to go to two and rear wheel, I can only do it to two which is a bit restricting.

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  Revolver said:
It's hard on trials bike to get the front wheel to come up, but when you get the hang of it you can fly up stuff.

When you get used to it, try and find a wall that increases in size, so you can practise it. I'd advise learning to go to two and rear wheel, I can only do it to two which is a bit restricting.

I would say landing on both wheels at the same time is harder.

You have to lurch the bike forward even more and push the front end down while in the air.

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  lewiswolsey2009 said:
I have looked on trashzen and even a ryan leech video on youtube but cannot seem to get the hang of the technique.

It's listed on trashzen as going up with a bunny hop.

Any advice and techniques would be a great help !

add me to MSN if u want to have a chat about it.


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It's all about timing and commitment. Before bunnyhopping up stuff I'd advise learning it on the flat first until you get the technique down. Although it happens very quickly the move itself can be broken down into several stages. First you want to come in at somewhere around jogging pace. Start with your weight forwards and crouched slightly so you arms and knees are bent. You then need to judge when to pull up which depends on how high you're looking at going and how fast you're moving. To initiate the move you want to throw your weight back and pull with your arms to lift the front wheel up. Almost immediately you should be jumping upwards with the rear wheel of the bike (front wheel high) initially still on the floor. At this point you should be jumping vertically upwards with straight arms and legs and the bike should be leaving the ground. You then want to use your arms and legs to allow the bike to be pushed upwards underneath you. It's basically about letting the bike continue it's trajectory you started by jumping it with effort from you to push it upwards and forwards onto the obstacle.

Obviously to go to back wheel is a slightly different technique than bunnyhopping flat over a bar but the theory is the same for getting the bike up, it's just a case of manipulating the angle of the bike in the air and pushing the bars more forwards for a two wheel landing or upwards more for rear wheel.

Hope that makes some kind of sense...

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  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
It's all about timing and commitment. Before bunnyhopping up stuff I'd advise learning it on the flat first until you get the technique down. Although it happens very quickly the move itself can be broken down into several stages. First you want to come in at somewhere around jogging pace. Start with your weight forwards and crouched slightly so you arms and knees are bent. You then need to judge when to pull up which depends on how high you're looking at going and how fast you're moving. To initiate the move you want to throw your weight back and pull with your arms to lift the front wheel up. Almost immediately you should be jumping upwards with the rear wheel of the bike (front wheel high) initially still on the floor. At this point you should be jumping vertically upwards with straight arms and legs and the bike should be leaving the ground. You then want to use your arms and legs to allow the bike to be pushed upwards underneath you. It's basically about letting the bike continue it's trajectory you started by jumping it with effort from you to push it upwards and forwards onto the obstacle.

Obviously to go to back wheel is a slightly different technique than bunnyhopping flat over a bar but the theory is the same for getting the bike up, it's just a case of manipulating the angle of the bike in the air and pushing the bars more forwards for a two wheel landing or upwards more for rear wheel.

Hope that makes some kind of sense...

yeah that made sense, The annying thing is i can bunny hop easily on the ground, but as soon as it comes to going up something i cant, i always end up just riding towards the object and then just riding up it pulling the back wheel with me :(

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  lewiswolsey2009 said:
yeah that made sense, The annying thing is i can bunny hop easily on the ground, but as soon as it comes to going up something i cant, i always end up just riding towards the object and then just riding up it pulling the back wheel with me :(

It needs to be a very explosive move, especially on a mod where it's not as easy to pull up the front end. If you can, try it first on some pallets or something which you can build in height but will also move a bit if you plough into them so it's less likely that you hurt yourself.

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  lewiswolsey2009 said:
No but thats how i ment :Slol sorry if i didnt explain myself very well, i just need to learn a technique to get up a wall, i can easily get down. Thats the technique i was aiming at !

Ahhhhhhh. In which case ignore everything I've posted! A bunnyhop is getting up stuff without using the cranks- what you're after is a pedal up. I learnt those watching the slo-mo section of Martyn Ashton in Tricks and Stunts.

They're all about timing. You need to start pedalling the correct distance away so that you get to the most powerful part just as you're taking off. I start with my good foot down and roll in at about walking pace. The first half pedal stroke I'm basically only using enough power to lift the front wheel. As the good pedal comes towards being forward you need to stamp on the pedal to get the power through the cranks. At the same time you should be jumping upwards, timing it so the power from the cranks is helping to accelerate the bike upwards and to start with you should be simply allowing the bike to move upwards. You then need to be throwing the bike up and out in front of you to allow the back wheel to reach as high as possible while also locking the rear brake for landing.

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It's not really a bunnyhop more of a pedal kick. Find something half decent to get up not a pavement. You will automatically try harder. Go faster than you have been going. Where a helmet. And most of all, don't be a pussy. If your scared of getting up something you won't do it. Just go for it. If it doesn't work your not going to get hurt and you can try it again. I start at walking pace with my 'bad foot' down do a 3/4 pedal and use the last bit to tap up. I know it's easy to type and hard to do. Just practice and you'll do it.

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