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Bike Pics Aggravation !


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Please help meeeeee ! I've been trying to get pics of my bike up onto the forum and i've tried photobucket and i've tried using the guide on trials forum itself but no joy.Am I missing something or am i just being a moron.Can new members even do this ? Any advice would be much appreciated.Thankyou.

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Please help meeeeee ! I've been trying to get pics of my bike up onto the forum and i've tried photobucket and i've tried using the guide on trials forum itself but no joy.Am I missing something or am i just being a moron.Can new members even do this ? Any advice would be much appreciated.Thankyou.

new members can do this !


is this what the IMG code looks like when you write a post because it should then when you post it should show the picture ! when you hold the cursor over the pictures in photobucket the IMG code should be underneath it, just copy and paste it onto the post


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Hi sammyturbo, that's excactly what i've been doing but just get a message that says "The following error/s were found.You have entered a link to a website that the administrator does not allow a link to" I have spoken to other people on trials forum and they do the excactly the same and their pics go on.

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