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Britishcycling Says Joe Seddon Is Out.


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Person in uninformed Internet rant shocka. What are the reasons? What are the facts? Can British Cycling afford to give trials riders (a tiny sport) the same treatment as XC/DH/Road/Track riders (big sports, some olympic)? How much of the travel and accomodation for XC and DH riders is picked up by sponsors? How much of the trials riders costs are picked up by sponsors?

Perspective and balance please. Oh, and some facts would be nice, not just lots of foot stomping rhetoric.

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This is the official qualifiers list, I have been contacted by British cycling

to ride for team GB twice now, but unfortunetaly have to fund my own ride :sick:

Sam. British team list

You are one of the best possibilities of podium and they wont fund you to represent Britain and become the best rider in the world. That is a oppertunity missed due to Britishcycling.

It can't be because of his results. He was:

2nd at round 1 "British National Trials Cup" so they say.

1st At British National Trials Championship at Fort William

1st at British National Trials cup at Fort William (Round 2)

He's been at all 3 world cup rounds this year and is at the fourth round this weekend.

If there's space in the team and he's not being allowed to go, I'd be interested to know why.

This is hard one to understand. The truth will come out.....

Quote: BikeTrial Federation

"Ok, I have been updated now. Joe has apparently already contacted one of my colleagues, who has spoken to British Cycling on his behalf.

Joe has apparently been given full information on British Cycling's decisions in their selection process".

Well that does not shed anylight.

Now that you know the truth, what are the facts?

Is the colleague Fred Savage, George Eyre, Brian wright. Whats there feeling to this choice. I feel this was more about Gut instinct than strong enough evidence on results.

Onza have been deeply moved about Rogers choice. word is roger MIGHT review joes place for the UCI's after the latest french Uci event.

Fingers crossed.



Ps. Just sticking up for Joe Seddon's dedication through out 2009 to lose a dream he has trained and fought for. This would have just gone unnoticed.

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Jack said only two people had been accepted. That list says a total of 6 people have.

Jack said they had to buy their own tops. They don't.

Jack said it was a 'pathetic reason'. They said that his results weren't good enough? I don't actually know his results, but if his results for them weren't good enough, that's not a particularly 'pathetic reason'?

Read this and pretty much stopped reading anything further in the topic.

I can't help but feel this is more a thread to satisfy peoples curiosity rather than to stand by someone. I'm pretty sure if they have a good reason and joes been notified it'd probably be best to ask joe about it personally instead of making a topic and trying to find out what is going on through here. Maybe joe doesn't want people to know?

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The Chinese wisper Quote you got there I exspect you too.

I was miffed when i said pathetic. so sorry if it leads thoughts for you about it being a thread. Im glad you have read the topic.

By you being a moderator i have no problems with you cancelling this topic. lets start one when joe gets back.

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In my opinion it does make you question the selection process when a rider of Joe's level does'nt get the selected. Im guessing the process must have been real tough for who eva had to decide.

But i do believe that every dog has his day and Joe' may not be now but it will be soon, there is nothing that will stop that either.

Cheers Phill

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The reason was his world cup results this year were not good enough. Fair point although he IS the highest placed, and has attended the most world cup rounds this year that Britain has. It would not cost British Cycling anything to allow him to go. There are 10 spaces to be filled in the British Trials team I believe and they have only picked 6. Yeah Joe will probably not beat Benito Ros but at least we would have a British 20" rider going.

Hope that helps all the people confused with the distress that Jack is feeling.

Edited by Joe@Onza
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I vote for t-shirts and a leaflet campaign.


Only about 1% of the forum will understand that, but it made me laugh!

Hmmm it is a strange one.

Yes, Joes world cup results havnt matched the top 15 qualification criteria, but he did make top 20 in france, and if you have been to a world cup, you'll know how hard/ competitive it is.

But he has Matched the top 3 at national level criteria, ( won most of them i think?). So is british cycling saying the National series doesnt count for anything? Even though all our top riders have taken part in it this year

The teams not exactly packed this year, i know andrei and ben ( im guessing) will ride 20" aswell, but Joe would of been our only pure 20" going there.

It's a shame he hasnt been picked, but im not sure what we can do about it, or if british cycling will change there minds at all, we'll see

Edited by Scotty Evil1
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what a load of bollocks. You all talk some utter shite.

Its no ones business why Joe Seddon hasnt been piked really is it. British cycling obviously have there reasons.

Jack you need to learn the facts before you start shouting your mouth off really dont you. about 80% of the stuff you wrote is wrong.

Joe seddon, 'Britains best chance at becoming world champion'. haha.

Joe shouldnthave booked his flights before being chosen, its his own fault really. I didnt book mine until i had personally spoke to Roger.

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Joe, I think thats a bit harsh, Jack didn't say world champion. He just meant someone who was our best chance. To be honest Joe got a really good flight deal offered to him and he took it while it was still cheap. Booking now would have cost a few more hundred pounds. To be fair if I was him I would have thought I would have been picked to as he has no real competition from anybody who is willing or could afford to go.

So you think he should not go then?

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no, i never said that.

He should be aloud to go. Why not, the more the merrier. But British cycling obviously have there reasons. And i also know what you all mean when you say 'his results are good, and hes the only 20" rider wanting to go any way.' But they have made a choice havent they.

And he can still ride new zealand. Anybody can ride there.

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no, i never said that.

He should be aloud to go. Why not, the more the merrier. But British cycling obviously have there reasons. And i also know what you all mean when you say 'his results are good, and hes the only 20" rider wanting to go any way.' But they have made a choice havent they.

And he can still ride new zealand. Anybody can ride there.

Thats cool then, I think Jack wanted to let everybody know that he is not allowed to go when he wants to, And there is no real reason why he can't. So you support Jack's thread then.

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Rider doesn't ride well enough in qualifying events. Doesn't get picked.

End of thread?

It's a fair point, but I can see where Jack is coming from. Though Joe Oakley's first post was abit harsh. As we all know Jack loves our sport as much as we all do, he just wants our best rider's to be able to represent our country. Which is what anyone would want in any sport in any country.

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Rider doesn't ride well enough in qualifying events. Doesn't get picked.

End of thread?

I think that is exactly what Jack is getting at, that is how British cycling see it in such a black and white manor! He can ride with the best and he wants to. Its just British Cycling will not let him do it because???? surely the point of the thread is why can we not just pick the 10 best riders in the country and let them compete. We have only selected 6, Tom Rankin went last year to Italy and I think he should have been looked at again this year as we have the space on the team.

The thread is not about "everybody back poor Joe up" its look at the selection policy we have and do we think its a correct way to choose a team.

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I think that is exactly what Jack is getting at, that is how British cycling see it in such a black and white manor!

But if that's their selection policy, that's their selection policy. With nothing against Joe at all- he's an awesome rider and deserves every opportunity he's given but at the end of the day, their policy seems to state that they aim for top ten finishes only. If his results haven't indicated that that could be a reality if he travelled to NZ then that's it.

However, having said that, if he's already booked the flights I'd have thought the BCF can see he's serious about competing and ought to be given the chance to represent... Maybe he should become an honorary Kazakhstan citizen and compete for them. I doubt there are many World class UCI trials riders over there!

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A selection policy isnt a very good selection policy if it doesnt fill the team. Being results driven is fine, but if hardly anyone meets your set criteria you surely get the few who do and then move the goal posts down until you have the number of team riders you want. Then deal with people who can and cant go.

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