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Britishcycling Says Joe Seddon Is Out.


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I have just found out that Joe seddon has been refused to enter the world cup UCI in Australia and NZ. The full details are not yet said why.

But Roger from Britishcycling has made the decision.

Joe Seddon would of been our only 20" rider and hope for a British win in "20 Catergory. It has been sqaushed by Britishcycling.

Riders knowingly going are Ben Savage and Andrei Burton on "26. Which is great news on a positive.

BUT there is a BUT There is no support from British cycling for our riders. They will be paying for there flights, Acomadation and what takes the biscuit is they have to pay for the BRITISH CYCLING TOPS for the compition.

If UCI riders from our country are to attend in the future it is looking slim. It is the highest level of competition and we dont have a hope in hell unless Britishcycling gets on board with the sport.

Majority of trials riders love street for its accesabilty. If only faciltys,structure and sponser/support existed on larger scale our sport would bring out the best of biketrial

Just Quickly back to Joe Seddon and the UCI

I Think some of the Big names out there will agree with me that this is unfairand needs full details released why from British cycling







In know way do i think Britishcycling on whole is a let down. Just early days for trials and could be making it better

What your opinion?

What can they/we/you/someone do about it?

Edited by JackMeek
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What's Danny Macaskill got to do with it, and why would his opinion matter? No offence to him, but he's "just" a rider?

Equally, how is the reason 'pathetic' if no-one knows what the reason is, unless you just mean you can't put it up on here?

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Why hasn't he been entered? Has he not qualified/not attended enough comps or what?

Riders have always had to find their own way to comps too... no way BCF will cough up for riders to fly to Oz/NZ for such a small sport as trials. If anyone it would be up to the sponsors to 'help out' where they can surely?

Think I'm missing the point somewhere!

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From that confusing post i'm not really sure which point i should be focussing on but without knowing the full details on his denial from riding i can't comment on it accurately.

I don't really understand what that list of names has to do with any of it and i'm not really sure nz/oz comps matter that much in the grand scheme of things for trials. A select handful of riders actually go there and i think recent trends have shown street riding is far more influential in terms of coverage and publicity when done well than any competition over the other side of the world.

Dedicated facilities for riding would be great but the use they would get would ultimately out weigh their necessity.

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I may be being really narrow minded and get shouted at for this but my opinion is "its only trials", its not an Olympic Sport, the public in the UK don't care who win these events, thats if they even know what trials is in the first place. I mean I read / watch trials daily and even I don't have a clue who won the last world round... or who's the best at my local competitions, or whos #1 in the world or how well our boys have been doing.

All mainly because in the UK we care almost only about street riding.

This isn't a dig at anyone soley, trials isn't big enough for Tarty to start paying people to fly all over the world, they may give you a free frame, and trade on parts but there not going to pay thousands to ship them round the world. Its a shame but its the facts.

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Thanks for the link to that accurate list Sam. I have been away on holiday this week, just got back tonight, Roger may have tried to contact me, I will be in touch with him on Monday for more information.

However, in the meantime, there is one slight inaccuracy in what you say Jack ...

and what takes the biscuit is they have to pay for the BRITISH CYCLING TOPS for the compition.

Quote from the UCI Selection Policy:- "British Cycling will pay for the cost of appropriate team clothing for all riders and staff. A Team Manager and

Assistant Team Manager will be appointed and a nominal payment will be awarded for both roles. The appointed team will not be known until selection has been finalised."

Full UCI Selection Policy here


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just wondering but why has ben savage been selected? hasn't he been injured lately, and why not Ben Slinger who is the most on form comp rider at the moment and proberly best in the country being top in the final at most world comps.

edit: just seen sams list now

Edited by basher
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so going off sam's list, Joe would be entered into the Senior category? Why cant he do that? Ok he'll be competing against stock riders but surely thats better than nothing?

Maybe theres too many on the team already? Joe's a monster tbf its shit that they're not doing this for him, but in a way, I've always thought british cycling turn their noses up at Trials for having a compleltly different atmosphere of pissing around and having fun compared to roadies.

Hope Joe gets in somehow. Maybe they'll read this and change their mind. But as Mark said, lets see what the reason is first, could be wholly legit

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Jack Meek: Due Roger willberman from British cycling saying that his results were not up to scratch. Tut Tut. He is one of the highest ranked riders in the world and only 2 Other British riders are going to the Australia and Newzealand rounds. Andrei Burton and Ben Savage.

The Britishcycling do not what so ever support a Qaulified Rider. They take all the Credit for free. They are a Absoloute shame to our sport at the moment. You have to buy your ticket to Aus and NZ which you could say ok too. But then Acomadation has to be found and paid for, you could say ok again. But having to buy a Britishcycling Top for the comp is a taking the piss When Britishcycling buy Shanaise olympic bmx racer a BMW X5 to travel to world championships.

5 hours ago

taken from facebook, 5 hours ago, about the time he posted this topic. so why it wasnt included in the topic i dont know?

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Jack said only two people had been accepted. That list says a total of 6 people have.

Jack said they had to buy their own tops. They don't.

Jack said it was a 'pathetic reason'. They said that his results weren't good enough? I don't actually know his results, but if his results for them weren't good enough, that's not a particularly 'pathetic reason'?

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Sorry for my rash wording in this topic i feel frustrated seeing talent like that not making the cut.

"Jack said only two people had been accepted"

I was not trying to say that Andrei and Ben are the only ones through/Qualified. It was knowlege of them going as well as joe who has paid for his flights.

The rest i would think its other commitments or Money

I got the jist it was made on joes performance/results from recent Uci events.

Quote from the UCI Selection Policy:- "British Cycling will pay for the cost of appropriate team clothing for all riders and staff.

I stand corrected. Heard somthing different on the grape vine.

Its would be nice to hear the official reason for why joe seddon was not accepted by britishcycling. As I/we would like to know. Is this somthing you would be able to arrange Biketrial federation/ barbara?

Kind regards MEEK,

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It can't be because of his results. He was:

2nd at round 1 "British National Trials Cup" so they say.

1st At British National Trials Championship at Fort William

1st at British National Trials cup at Fort William (Round 2)

He's been at all 3 world cup rounds this year and is at the fourth round this weekend.

If there's space in the team and he's not being allowed the go, I'd be interested to know why.

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