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26" Or 20"


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i am going to start trials biking but i dont know which size to get i am thinking of gettting a 26" because i am like 6ft nearly 6.1ft but a lot of people are riding 20" and its starting to confuse me :S

any advice :P

Edited by tom94
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im about 5'6 or 7" and i ride a mod, soon a new short frame bionic. i test rode a long frame adamant A3 and it just seemed a bit long with both tires on the ground. mainly the mod frames come in long or short and i assume the 26" wheel frames (stock) do aswell.

20" wheels are smaller and i find the mod bikes are more flickable but a 26" wheel rolls over things a 20" will not.

the best advice i can give you is to go out and ride a couple of each.

search, youll find a few topics like this.

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I ride stock, I'm nearly 6ft.

I prefer stock because I can get more leverage and the bike fits me, mods are just too small.

It's all down to personal preference, you need to go along to a group ride and have a go on a few bikes and decide for yourself. (Y)

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Well most people start on "mod" as it is easier to learn the beginner stuff but as your quite tall your may well want to go for a 26" the best thing I could suggest find about riders around your area (if you don’t already know people) then go on there bikes try a few 20"'s and a few 26’s then you should be able to decide.

Hope I helped.


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20" best for starters and you can chuck it around more, althought most pro's use stock bikes

cheers mate iv been thinking more about getting a 20" because on most of the videos iv seen they have 20" and they look pretty easy to use and i have also thought about getting a 26" when i have got really used to the 20"

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cheers mate iv been thinking more about getting a 20" because on most of the videos iv seen they have 20" and they look pretty easy to use and i have also thought about getting a 26" when i have got really used to the 20"

Cheers, also your less likey to smack your nuts on a 20" ;):D

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