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Some Pics Of Danny @ Bike Expo


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its really pissed me off that the only way we can get trials to take of in the world is through bmx :@

The way your post reads it's almost as though you feel a part of the trials community when the reality is that you (and a few others) seem to take great pleasure in pissing off as many of the dedicated riders as you can, the fact that you even pretend to care about the future of trials pisses me off. If the majority of trials riders were more like you then our sport would be going nowhere fast.

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Unfortunately in the UK at least I think that seems to be more and more the case... sad but true.


There just is not enough younger people starting trials and staying with it for more than a month before they give up and then a couple of months later they watch a trials video and start again and it happens over and over so they never get anywhere. The problem that we have is that the younger generations seem to expect things to happen then and there and do not have any patients so when they find that trials is harder than it looks they give up.

Dont get me wrong there are still lots of people out there starting trials and staying with it but just not as many as there was.

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wow a 24" street rider using a magura :blink: dont think iv ever seen that before


There just is not enough younger people starting trials and staying with it for more than a month before they give up and then a couple of months later they watch a trials video and start again and it happens over and over so they never get anywhere. The problem that we have is that the younger generations seem to expect things to happen then and there and do not have any patients so when they find that trials is harder than it looks they give up.

Dont get me wrong there are still lots of people out there starting trials and staying with it but just not as many as there was.

kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore and the kiddies lose interest... they dont find some middle ages guy witha beard in latex riding shuffling over some rocks interesting, they just want to go high and fast without anyone caring and moaning about their spelling :S ! and just want people saying wow your nuts! go bigger!!! .... but trials just isnt like that (anymore), so they go to bmx instead haha

its you lot of stiffs make that make the sport completely unapealing to younger people

Edited by Adrian
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Is it just me or does all German writing look angry?

I can just imagine them shouting it all.

Haha, for some reason at 5am and with the first of the mornings coffee just hitting me, that one statement has put me in hysterics :lol:

wow a 24" street rider using a magura :blink: dont think iv ever seen that before

Erm, you serious? :unsure:

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wow a 24" street rider using a magura :blink: dont think iv ever seen that before

kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore and the kiddies lose interest... they dont find some middle ages guy witha beard in latex riding shuffling over some rocks interesting, they just want to go high and fast without anyone caring and moaning about their spelling :S ! and just want people saying wow your nuts! go bigger!!! .... but trials just isnt like that (anymore), so they go to bmx instead haha

its you lot of stiffs make that make the sport completely unapealing to younger people

That post is so much BS I don't even know where I'd start... But I'll just comment on "kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore". Yes kids like cool dangerous stuff, far and fast. I'm guessing the videos you're talking about are all the TGS videos that people like Ben Lazenby and Mat Smith keep bringing out which lets face it are none of the above. They also wear jeans which are far closer to the 'latex' stuff you're talking about than any normal trials rider has been seen in in the past 10 years. I don't imagine kids giving two shits about someone sidehopping from static up various sized walls and rails... So yes, when those guys bring out a sidehop video expect abuse because it's dull, boring and less like trials than Danny Mac. If no one brings out those vids anymore the world would be a better place.

The video you describe- far, fast and nuts is exactly what Danny's doing on a bike and instead of everyone just saying 'that's not trials', maybe more people should be thinking about taking inspiration from his riding and going out to try more fun, flowy stuff and trying new stuff rather than just finding a wall that's 1/2" higher than the last one so everyone can try almost making the sidehop to it.

And if you weren't meaning Lazenby and Smithesque vids sorry, but the point still stands just not aimed at you :P.

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That post is so much BS I don't even know where I'd start... But I'll just comment on "kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore". Yes kids like cool dangerous stuff, far and fast. I'm guessing the videos you're talking about are all the TGS videos that people like Ben Lazenby and Mat Smith keep bringing out which lets face it are none of the above. They also wear jeans which are far closer to the 'latex' stuff you're talking about than any normal trials rider has been seen in in the past 10 years. I don't imagine kids giving two shits about someone sidehopping from static up various sized walls and rails... So yes, when those guys bring out a sidehop video expect abuse because it's dull, boring and less like trials than Danny Mac. If no one brings out those vids anymore the world would be a better place.

The video you describe- far, fast and nuts is exactly what Danny's doing on a bike and instead of everyone just saying 'that's not trials', maybe more people should be thinking about taking inspiration from his riding and going out to try more fun, flowy stuff and trying new stuff rather than just finding a wall that's 1/2" higher than the last one so everyone can try almost making the sidehop to it.

And if you weren't meaning Lazenby and Smithesque vids sorry, but the point still stands just not aimed at you :P .

welll i wasnt on about them but i have noticed on big rides that all the lil'un love ben lazenby and that lot, 'who the hell is hermance?' as their videos are funny layed back and immature... every person that isnt already into trials that iv shown dannys videos to think its bmxing anyways so it doesnt exactly advertise trials at all, especiallly as the bits people say wow!! at are skanked from bmx....

in all honesty, when i ride with idiots like ben and that we get more people watching then when i ride tech shit with some natty guy... but then again we get even more when we whip the bmx's out.

all im trying to say is trials is never going to get big, if anything its got smaller, there used to be 30+ people in norfolk that ride.... then when i started there were about 15, now theres just me, ryan and dave lol

and its obvious why

Edited by Adrian
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kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore and the kiddies lose interest... they dont find some middle ages guy witha beard in latex riding shuffling over some rocks interesting, they just want to go high and fast without anyone caring and moaning about their spelling :S ! and just want people saying wow your nuts! go bigger!!! .... but trials just isnt like that (anymore), so they go to bmx instead haha

its you lot of stiffs make that make the sport completely unapealing to younger people

I have huge respect to the guys that made those videos of them going big and I enjoyed watching them but what I am getting at is that it is the kids dont have the patience for trials, as trials is not a sport that you can jump on a bike and get instant success. If your talking about them going to BMX then they get a bike and go down a local skatepark and start doing jumps higher than they could do if they spent the time it takes to do the larger stuff on a trials bike that they would get the same sort of adrenaline rush from.

You are right the younger generation would like to see the massive videos that have been made in the past but as these guys have decided to stop, there are almost no people coming up and doing massive stuff because they learnt to rely on those videos to keep them going. Danny has gone against this and has come up with unique style of mixing trials with some move taken from other bicycle sports and has become massively successful and he has done it with out watching a video of some one else doing because there has not been any.

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