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Dmr V8 Problem!


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I need to get my pedal off my driveside crank, ive tried undoing it left/right and it wont budge. Does lefty loosy righty tighty apply lol? See my pic for details. Its an allen bolt by the way but I havent illustrated the pedal.

1.Red line is the way ive been trying

2.Yellow line I have also tryed with no hope

3.Green line shows the way the pedal would rotate? so if the bearings seized the pedal could undo whilst riding?


Edited by LukasMcNeal
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Look at the crank as it would be on the bike. Turn the pedal towards the rear wheel. Clockwise.

Do that!


The way i remember when at work, if i put the pedal spanner on the pedal, pedal it backwards it tightens up, pedal forwards it loosens it. This works on driveside and non-driveside.

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