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Right Or Left Foot!

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Is trials riding similar to skateboarding when it comes to stances?

A bit of a random one i know lol!

Just wondering as I'm Right footed but pedal kick with my left! yet my brother is right footed and he pedal kicks with his right lol!

is it just down to personal preference? and what feels comfy?


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Errr, yes it's true actually, if you look at any other riders if they're left foot foward like me, then they ride with the left foot pointing fowards...

I do ride right foot forward! when rolling and stuff but when doing pedal kicks i ride left foot forward!

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If you're right footed, you should ride with the right foot foward all the time really.

I don't agree with that, i'm right footed and ride with left foot forward and know a lot of people who do. I think its more due to whatever people start using and feel more comfortable with.

One 'tip' I was told, was if you sidehop to left, have right foot forward and vice versa, its so that your trailing foot/pedal doesn't hit the object you're hopping onto.

I think its just down to whatever you feel comfortable with


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I am right footed and ride left footed, whatever feels comfortable i rekon. (Y)

Yeah I'm the same :turned:

Is it weird to sidehop to the left if your left foot is your forward foot? Thats what I do and it seems to be working fine for me :turned:


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Yeah I'm the same :turned:

Is it weird to sidehop to the left if your left foot is your forward foot? Thats what I do and it seems to be working fine for me :turned:


If your left foot is forward you should sidehop to the right, your pedal gets in the way when you get to the higher stuff.

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I don't agree with that, i'm right footed and ride with left foot forward and know a lot of people who do. I think its more due to whatever people start using and feel more comfortable with.

One 'tip' I was told, was if you sidehop to left, have right foot forward and vice versa, its so that your trailing foot/pedal doesn't hit the object you're hopping onto.

I think its just down to whatever you feel comfortable with


Errm, I've completely got the wrong end of the stick here, I took it to mean he was riding right foot foward but had to switch when backhopping...

I also ride left foot foward and I'm right footed. :$

EDIT: Was getting confused with this guy: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=139439

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Yeahh im right footed and have my left foot forwards and i do everything to my left but iv gotta learn to side hop oppo now :angry: cause if your forward foot is closist to the wall then youu get to a hight were you cant get any higher and its ment to be eiser to have your back foot facing

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lol i must be really weird then lol!!

Will have a go tomorrow with my right foot and see what happens! lol


you're not weird

I'm also right footed and tirght handed, but I do pedal quicks with my left.

Many people does the same

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