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Binge Drinking Trials Riders Out There Be Warned!


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Well yeah drinks "available" to kids at that age but as Mark said, I'm talking about being able to buy drink legally, or being able to go out legally, and like Mark said, it actually makes a difference, I bet you could find plenty of 16 year olds who could go for 6 months without drink, but you take an 18/19/20 year old who's been going out regularly and it would probably be a lot harder for them, especially as it's socially accepted as the norm.

I'm not putting an age limit on his lifestyle, and I think it's cool that young kids see the edge lifestyle as a good choice, but like I said, I've seen people crumble on their 18th birthdays, and "break edge" because they could, and chances are in reality they only claimed edge to seem rebellious and different, or because someone they knew/liked/were with claimed it (mainly talking about girls there), but then they soon just go along with the crowd and start drinking.

Edited by JonMack
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I don't drink, smoke or do drugs but I don't see that as being straight edge, in fact I had never heard of being straight edge until a couple of years ago, seems a bit strange to make it into a big thing when its really nothing special at all.

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I found it easier to label myself as edge when I was going out in town, people tended to understand why I didn't drink when I told them that I was edge, rather than just saying "I don't drink", I also felt respected by others, and over time straight edge has become a huge part of my life due to the music I listen to :)

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I don't drink, smoke or do drugs but I don't see that as being straight edge, in fact I had never heard of being straight edge until a couple of years ago, seems a bit strange to make it into a big thing when its really nothing special at all.

Thats the way I feel, the whole straight edge thing is just another attention grabbing thing if you ask me...

I've never smoked, never taken drugs and don't get drunk any more. I still drink though because I like alchohol too much.

Edited by Muel
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I found it easier to label myself as edge when I was going out in town, people tended to understand why I didn't drink when I told them that I was edge, rather than just saying "I don't drink", I also felt respected by others, and over time straight edge has become a huge part of my chest

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About the whole labelling thing, in the hardcore scene straight edge is a big deal, cos in reality that's where the name started out, so bands like to state that their edge, also there's a few real good bits on the Champion DVD about being edge and stuff, it's sick.

Edited by JonMack
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Meh, I suppose that is an explantion to an extent, doesn't really make sense to me though. I don't see (for that explanation) why you cant just keep telling people you dont drink? I do it with drugs/smoking etc, it doesn't seem that difficult?

As I said, im not mocking it, i respect the lifestyle choice, I just think people are too willing to label themselves as something.

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Neither of my parents drink, nor does my sister, but they don't claim edge. I just found it easier to because of my surroundings. I was going out twice a week to pubs and clubs, and I guess because it's a "big deal" in the hardcore scene, and because when I was at uni I was mainly hanging out with people who were into hardcore, they cut me slack if we were out in town and I said I was edge. I know it sounds stupid but when I told people I "just didn't drink" they were like "oh go on have a pint, just one", and I got fed up with it so I started saying I was edge. Then I started listening to more straight edge bands and started to relate to the lyrics they were singing, and so I started to feel proud about my decision.

As time went on, I got more into the music, more into the scene, and more into straight edge on the whole, until it became a big part of my life. I guess it's compatible to religion in a way, not that it's a religion at all, but it's a belief, I believe I can life a better life being edge, and that's just the way I feel about things, it's my opinion.

I don't have a problem with people who don't live the way I do, and I won't try and force it down peoples throats, but I expect others to respect me and the choice I have made. After all I believe it to be a decision for life, it's not a passing trend, yeah it comes and goes, it will happen over the years, there will be an influx of straight edge kids, then they will die off because their favourite edge band broke up or whatever, so they'll all "sell out" but then you get people like me, who are so proud about it they'll get it tattooed on their bodies.

Makes no sense really, but I'm tired so f**k it.

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Well yeah drinks "available" to kids at that age but as Mark said, I'm talking about being able to buy drink legally, or being able to go out legally, and like Mark said, it actually makes a difference, I bet you could find plenty of 16 year olds who could go for 6 months without drink, but you take an 18/19/20 year old who's been going out regularly and it would probably be a lot harder for them, especially as it's socially accepted as the norm.

Yer i guess so to an extent. But from my experience i'd say i would have easily drank as much (obviously I have higher tolerances now, but as in got drunk as often) when I was 15 or 16 as I do now, just house parties and stuff, an the one offie that always served us and didn't care. And I started drinking later than the majority in my friend group. Likewise weed was always around at the skatepark and stuff from around 14, and pills etc from about 16 (although i've never done them). Obviously not to the same extent as now, but it just seems a little stupid to almost try and bully kids out of what is a pretty good lifestyle choice (even if it's not for me :P).

To be honest I think edge being cool is the only way for the government to stop all this teenage binge drinking they're always banging on about.

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Are you intentionally trying to make edge kids look like a bunch of dicks, because I'm not down with that. We already get enough shit as it is, writing xSTRAIGHTEDGEx makes us look like a bunch of 14 year old girls.


fo real, i think youve done a fine job of it yourself without anyone following suit

straight edge, edge
edge. "rules of straight edge" is "being edge".

are you using 2 different terms to describe one thing to irritate me or do the 2 phrases have separate meanings?

"break edge"

this term is actually more fag than branding yourself straight edge/edge whatever term you decide to use at this particular time

you actually make it sounds like a bad thing if someone does so, just because its your lifetime belief, doesnt mean it has to be others

and all this band straight edge stuff, what a crock of shite, its not cool at all, i wouldnt respect a band because of it, neither do i respect you any more because of it, its just a choice youve made, i dont expect me to respect me becuase i go to the gym and maintain a healthy diet, its just a choice ive made for myself and quite frankly i dont give a shit what people think about it

i dont mean to come across as an asshole, even though i am, i just dont understand it all and why its such a big deal, to anyone, whatever their past is

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Yeah I'm writing edge sometimes and straight edge other times just to piss you off, did it work?

I consider it to be a bad thing if someone does break edge, and say what you want about the phrase, that's just what it's generally called when someone who used to claim edge changes their mind, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

Music means a lot to me, I like relating to lyrics, not because it's cool, but because I enjoy going to shows and screaming at the top of my lungs back at the band the words which I've felt impact my life. I don't give a shit what people think about the fact I'm edge, but I'm just explaining to the forum why I am.

Thanks for personally insulting me by the way regarding my tattoo, I actually feel it's one of the best decisions I've ever made, and the reason I have it is for me, not for other people, hence why it's on my chest, an area which people rarely see, as I rarely ride topless, so I know it's there and other people don't unless I show them.

Yeah you might not understand why it means a lot to me, but there's no need to be a total cunt about it. I'm sure there are other people who agree with you, but they're not being dicks, they're not directly insulting me. There's a difference between opinion and being ignorant, seems you haven't quite worked that one out yet.

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That tattoo's probably the best edge tattoo I've seen, nice one (Y) That's not me being sarcastic either, in case it comes across that way. Font seems pretty sweet, as do the serifs. What's the one on top of the "i", by the way? Looked like there was a symbol or something there...?

There's a band called 'f**k You I'm Edge', maybe you should listen to them.

U2 guitarist's tribute band? ;)

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What the hell is everyone chatting about with edge sh*t, is it some modern street slang for something?

You're such an old man!

The kid was a complete pisshead evidently. Most people get pissed every other weekend and are fine, and it's acceptable because your liver grows back rather quickly, and can return to fine from it having just 10% of it left. It's forgiving, just don't abuse it.

I used to drink a fair bit more than i do now, but it's still not much than 3/4 times in a month... I might have the odd pint with mateys but nothing more if it's not an event or something...

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That tattoo's probably the best edge tattoo I've seen, nice one (Y) That's not me being sarcastic either, in case it comes across that way. Font seems pretty sweet, as do the serifs. What's the one on top of the "i", by the way? Looked like there was a symbol or something there...?

Cheers Mark. I've had it since the end of Jan. Nah it's just a squiggly over the i, just something my tattooist put in,

I know it's not the best photo in the world, and you can see where it's been rubbed from when it was healing, but here's a close up,


What the hell is everyone chatting about with edge sh*t, is it some modern street slang for something?

Straight Edge refers to a lifestyle and youth movement that started within the hardcore punk subculture whose adherents make a lifetime commitment to refrain from drinking alcohol, using tobacco products, and taking recreational drugs. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in the song "Straight Edge".


EDIT, Sam, I've just made something bold for you. Backs up my point of straight edge not being a phase, and being a decision for life, hence breaking edge.

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As time went on, I got more into the music, more into the scene, and more into straight edge on the whole, until it became a big part of my life. I guess it's compatible to religion in a way, not that it's a religion at all, but it's a belief, I believe I can life a better life being edge, and that's just the way I feel about things, it's my opinion.

Yeah, that's what I immediately thought when I read the stuff you've posted in this thread. Except to me it's more reminiscent of the Silver Ring Thing. A similar life choice.



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It disappoints me the "Silver Ring Thing" slogan wasn't "Fuck fucking!"

EDIT: Additional "lols" gained when noting the whale they've got holding the middle ring. "Yeah, er, I'm not going to have sex 'til I'm married!" Too f**king right love.

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But unlike "SRT" you don't have to show your commitment in any way :P Xing up at shows or tattoos just show other people your beliefs, because most straight edge people consider it to be something to be proud of in a society where alcohol cigarettes and even drugs are so readily available and not really frowned upon.

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